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Cost benefit study of Slovenian enterprises and employment centers for Pwd: Is employment of PwD benefitial for PwD and the community? Aleksandra Tabaj,

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Presentation on theme: "Cost benefit study of Slovenian enterprises and employment centers for Pwd: Is employment of PwD benefitial for PwD and the community? Aleksandra Tabaj,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cost benefit study of Slovenian enterprises and employment centers for Pwd: Is employment of PwD benefitial for PwD and the community? Aleksandra Tabaj, PhD and Črtomir Bitenc Nothing to disclose! 21 st EUMASS Congress of Insurance Medicine and Social Security and the 4 th International Congress of Medical Assessors in Ljubljana, Slovenia, 9 - 11 June 2016

2 Working group: Aleksandra Tabaj and Črtomir Bitenc, URI SOČA – Development center for VR  Tatjana Brumnič-Smrekar, Association of enterprises for PwD Slovenia  mag. Jožica Šauperl Fridau, Arcont IP d.o.o. – Enterprise for PwD  mag. Tatjana Dolinšek, Racio d.o.o., VR provider  mag. Suzana Zadravec and mag. Janez Vidmar, Association of employment centers Slovenia  Gregor Žohar and Tatjana Pocajt, GAMP MEDIA d.o.o. (Accountancy)


4 Year All employed PwD PwD employed at open labour market PwD employed in enterprises for PwD (social economy) PwD employed at employment centers (social economy) 200632.68226.129 (79,9 %)6.441 (19,7 %)112 (0,34 %) 200733.05726.591 (80,4 %)6.305 (19,1 %)161 (0,48 %) 200833.80627.261 (80,6 %)6.358 (18,8 %)187 (0,55 %) 200932.21226.283 (81,6 %)5.706 (17,7 %)223 (0,69 %) 201030.39924.777 (81,5 %)5.364 (17,6 %)258 (0,85 %) 201130.55124.799 (81,2 %)5.449 (17,8 %)303 (0,99 %) 201229.97523.986 (80,0 %)5.672 (18,9 %)317 (1,06 %)

5 Unemployed PwD: 17.397, 42 % unemployed rate (2013) Year (31.12.) No. of enterprises for PwD Employed in enterprises Employed PwD Employed without disabilities % of PwD employed 200816514.5996.3588.24145 200915913.2665.7067.56043 201015312.3435.3646.97943 201114211.7955.4496.34646 201214411.3205.6725.64850 2013* (Oct.) 13911.2125.6235.58950



8 INDICATORS20082009201020112012 All employees 12.97011.58410.65010.6889.625 From that, PwD 5,8365.2624.6914.9354.930 % of PwD 45,00%45,42%44,05%46,17%51,22% State Benefits 62.460.788 €57.750.608 €62.979.170 €58.937.92153.677.224 € Profit/ Loss 5.829.891 €10.071.322 €11.643.713 €11.218.3202.755.373 € Profit/ Loss without State Benefits -56.630.897 €-47.679.286 €-51.335.457 €-47.719.601 €-50.921.851 €


10 Lanchasire Quality of Life Questionnaire  The influence of employment on quality of life for persons with disabilities in employment centre  Personal level, adressing human needs  Not only to have but to be – personal development, social network, satisfaction with life  Employment centre: 35 employed PwD


12 Thank you for your attention! Contact:

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