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Objective: to prepare for the Chapter 4 Quest tomorrow Do-Now: Pick up handout on your way in the room Complete “Checkpoint Quiz 2” 5 minutes.

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Presentation on theme: "Objective: to prepare for the Chapter 4 Quest tomorrow Do-Now: Pick up handout on your way in the room Complete “Checkpoint Quiz 2” 5 minutes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Objective: to prepare for the Chapter 4 Quest tomorrow Do-Now: Pick up handout on your way in the room Complete “Checkpoint Quiz 2” 5 minutes

2 Agenda 1.Checkpoint Quiz Questions? 2.Check HW Packet with Key 3.Questions?? 4.Whiteboard Review Practice

3 Calculate a 15% tip if your bill is $24.60

4 $3.69

5 A Realtor makes 5% commission on each sale. How much would he earn for selling a $170,000 home?

6 $8,500

7 If a realtor earned $6,750 commission, what was the price of the house if he earned 5% for each sale?

8 $135,000

9 One serving of raisins contains 15 grams of carbohydrates, which is 4% of the recommended daily allowance. What is the total recommended daily allowance for carbs?

10 375

11 A television is normally $825 but is discounted to $575. What percent of the original price does Mary pay? Round to nearest whole percent.


13 Find the unit price for $2.37 for 3 lbs of corn.

14 $0.79 per pound

15 Find the unit price for each. Which is a better buy? 48 fl oz for $2.07 32 fl oz for $1.64

16 48 fl oz for $2.07 = $0.04 per fl oz 32 fl oz for $1.64 = $0.05 per fl oz 48 fl oz is a better buy

17 A car can travel 54 miles on 3 gallons of gas. How far can the car travel on 8 gallons of gas?

18 144 miles

19 The height of a post in a park is 90 inches. The post casts a shadow that is 12 ft long. A nearby tree casts a shadow of 432 inches. Find the height of the tree.

20 270 inches or 22.5 feet tall

21 An architect create blueprints with a ratio of 2 in: 3 ft. In his room the blue print measures the kitchen to be 4in. x 4.5 in. What is the actual area of the kitchen?

22 40.5 ft 2 6ft x 6.75 ft

23 Susan deposits $650.00 in a savings account which earns simple interest at a rate of 4% per year. How much interest did she earn at the end of 5 years?

24 $130.00

25 Ben invests $2,650 at 3.5 % for 4 ½ years in a savings account. How much will be in his account after 4 ½ years?

26 $3,067.38

27 An X-Box 360 is normally $249.99 and is on sale for 15% off. What amount do you get off of the price?

28 37.50 $300 Question Percent Applications

29 Leather jackets are on sale for 80% of the original price of $120.00. What is the sale price?

30 $96.00

31 A MP3 player that usually costs $65 is on sale for $55.25. What percent off is the MP3 player?

32 15%

33 Computers are on sale for 75% of the original price of $699. What is the sale price?

34 $524.25

35 Erica bought a pair of boots for $90.00, which was 20% off the original price. What was the original price?

36 $112.50

37 Use dimensional analysis! 24 galgal 1 sec 1 hour =

38 86,400 gallons in one hour

39 Use dimensional analysis! 67 milesft 1 hour 1 sec =

40 98.27 ft /sec

41 What is the probability of choosing three Aces from a standard deck of cards? Use proper notation!! Your answer should be a fraction, the decimal and % will be “messy” for this example!


43 What is the Range?

44 28

45 a. What is the approximate IQR? b. Would a score 0f 45% be an outlier?

46 a. IQR = 20 b. No; lower than a 30% would be an outlier

47 How many boys and girls favorite sport is NOT Soccer?

48 4 Softball + 6 Basketball + 3 other =13

49 If you have to go through Registration, see a Doctor, and get a Lab what is the Average waiting time you will have to wait?

50 60+50+40= 150 minutes

51 51 Anna ’ s test scores are 98, 90, 93, 99, and 10 on the five tests she took this semester in social studies. This is the measure of central tendency which best describes her work.

52 52 What is the median?

53 Closure Problem Frequency Tables

54 Is it more likely that a person who likes movies will be female or that a person who is female will like movies? Justify your answer.

55 Answer

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