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Template ID: crimsoncream Size: 36x54 Gold Medal Nutrition: Fueling Skaters Bodies the Right Way Alexandra Bellotti Rowan University Department of Health.

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Presentation on theme: "Template ID: crimsoncream Size: 36x54 Gold Medal Nutrition: Fueling Skaters Bodies the Right Way Alexandra Bellotti Rowan University Department of Health."— Presentation transcript:

1 Template ID: crimsoncream Size: 36x54 Gold Medal Nutrition: Fueling Skaters Bodies the Right Way Alexandra Bellotti Rowan University Department of Health and Exercise Science Introduction Goals and Objectives References Background Methods Recommendations According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, young athletes are missing the importance of a proper diet while participating in sports. In order to obtain optimal performance, young athletes and parents must be educated on the components of a suitable diet to promote healthy growth during training (American Academy of Pediatrics 2000). With figure skaters burning many calories per training session, it is important they are getting the proper nutrition so they are able to sustain energy levels during their training session (Palacio 2013). With a proper diet, skaters will have more energy promoting a better workout, have normal growth and development, a stronger immune system and recover quicker from workouts (Anderson 2008). Conclusion Program Description Results Intensive Training and Sports Specialization in Young Athletes. (n.d.). Retrieved October 1, 2015, from Nutrition for the Female Athlete. (n.d.). Retrieved October 1, 2015, from Sports Nutrition For Figure Skaters. (n.d.). Retrieved October 1, 2015, from Elite Coaches SeminarNutrition.pdf Many young athletes do not realize the importance of nutrition and the effects it has on their performance. The program is developed for figure skaters enrolled in the Bridge Program at Bridgewater Sports Arena to educate skaters on the importance of eating healthy before and during training. Gold Medal Nutrition showed a significant improvement in skaters knowledge of both basic and sports nutrition in order to sustain energy throughout practice and hydrate properly. This program took place at Bridgewater Sports Arena in Bridgewater, New Jersey every Saturday for five weeks beginning on March 5, 2016. Out of twenty skaters enrolled in the Bridge Program, sixteen skaters participated in the program. Thirteen of the sixteen skaters completed the program from start to finish. Skaters were given a pre and posttest to see if skaters increased their knowledge of nutrition. Discussion This was done by a cross-sectional observational study. The results were observed by both the pre and post test. Skaters who participated in the program were recruited by advertising and direct marketing from Bridgewater Sports Arena bridge program. The evaluation took place at Bridgewater Sports Arena, where skaters took the pre and post test on site. Goal #1: To increase general nutrition education for figure skaters enrolled in the bridge program at Bridgewater Sports Arena. o 75% of bridge program students will understand the importance of hydration and will begin to keep track of their daily intake after week 3. o At least 50% of bridge program students will attend Gold Medal Nutrition. o Follow up 6 months later with survey to see if Gold Medal Nutrition has had an impact on figure skaters. Goal #2: To educate figure skaters from the bridge program at Bridgewater Sports Arena on how to sustain energy throughout practice. o 75% of bridge program students enrolled in Gold Medal Nutrition will understand the importance of sustaining energy after week 3. o After week two, a specific diet will be recommended to follow to make sure figure skaters are getting the proper nutrients. In the Pretest, skaters score an average of 4.9 In the Pretest, skaters score an average of 4.9 In the Posttest, skaters score an average of 7.7In the Posttest, skaters score an average of 7.7 Skaters increase nutrition education dramatically from the pretest to the posttest, P= 0.04.Skaters increase nutrition education dramatically from the pretest to the posttest, P= 0.04. A limitation Gold Medal Nutrition ran into is that without a Registered Dietitian, the coordinator of the program was only able to suggest diets and not personalize and prescribe a diet for each skater. Gold Medal Nutrition was successful in getting skaters to realize how nutrition can change their performance and getting skaters interested in changing that behavior. For future programs similar to Gold Medal Nutrition, it is recommended to extend the time and have a Registered Dietitian available to prescribe a personalized diet for each skater. It is also recommended to take skaters BMI, blood pressure and cholesterol at the start of the program and compare the results to after skaters changed their diets. o By the end of week 5, figure skaters will finish the program with more confidence in their skating from learning how nutrition affects their performance.

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