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Status of the Higgs to tau tau analysis Carlos Solans Cristobal Cuenca.

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Presentation on theme: "Status of the Higgs to tau tau analysis Carlos Solans Cristobal Cuenca."— Presentation transcript:

1 Status of the Higgs to tau tau analysis Carlos Solans Cristobal Cuenca

2 Analysis overview Event selection Particle identification and event cut from datasets in CBNT format. Template normalization Normalize Mvis templates to nominal luminosity. Fit Compute an upper exclusion limit for Higgs mass with likelihood profiling technique on the Mvis. Datasets Event selection Raw templates 95% CL UEL Control plots Normalization Fit Shapes Control plots Carlos Solans2Higgs to tau tau analysis Focus: This is an exercise prior to optimization.

3 Event selection Particle identification implemented Event cuts applied for muon + tau channel Absolute templates produced for A  tautau Z  tautau QCD (J1, J2, J3, J4) ttbar Spin off tools Truth dumper Higgs to tau tau analysisCarlos Solans3

4 Truth dumper i id state ref pt eta phi q daughters 57 1 3 5 4.412 5.622 2.643 -99 : 68 58 -1 3 6 33.517 1.186 0.684 -99 : 68 68 23 3 7 32.570 3.280 0.763 0 : 69 71 69 15 3 8 26.888 1.582 -2.150 -1 : 70 -15 3 9 59.074 2.533 0.866 1 : 71 23 2 10 32.570 3.280 0.763 0 : 72 73 72 15 2 11 26.888 1.582 -2.150 -1 : 205 206 73 -15 2 12 59.074 2.533 0.866 1 : 201 204 201 -16 1 533 16.237 2.521 0.842 -0 : 202 -11 1 534 34.510 2.548 0.884 1 : 281 282 203 12 1 535 8.341 2.491 0.836 0 : 204 22 1 536 0.000 2.551 0.886 0 : 205 16 1 537 9.228 1.520 -2.218 0 : 206 -211 1 538 17.692 1.612 -2.115 -1 : 207 218 385 2212 3 1 0.000 1000.000 0.000 1 : 0 18 386 2212 3 2 0.000 -1000.000 0.000 1 : 19 56 Higgs to tau tau analysisCarlos Solans4 Z  tautau DC3 dataset. Private production (lh and hh channels) Quick checks of truth information: generation, hard scattering, parton showering, decay products… Tau  e Tau  h

5 Fit Maximize the likelihood for a pseudo experiment to a data sample. Pseudo experiment is a poisson fluctuation of the background shapes. Data sample contains a given amount of signal. The likelihood of the data to the background decreases with the amount signal in data. The upper exclusion limit on the cross section times BR for the Higgs with a given mass can be computed as the p-value at 95% of the likelihood distribution (likelihood profiling in cross section). If we repeat the experiment a number of times we obtain a distribution for the upper exclusion limit (expected limit). Higgs to tau tau analysisCarlos Solans5

6 Conclusions Full analysis chain is almost finished!!! :D Event selection working Template normalization: missing dataset parameters Fitter missing full dress rehearsal Looking forward to obtaining first results in few weeks. Higgs to tau tau analysisCarlos Solans6

7 BACKUP SLIDES Higgs to tau tau analysisCarlos Solans7

8 Event selection control plots Higgs to tau tau analysisCarlos Solans8 Given cut for particle selection Only this cut applied

9 Acceptance challenge Acceptance challenge to measure the efficiency should be done again. Re-implemented code awaiting fine tuning. Several aspects have to be taken into account This is a lepton + hadron channel, there cannot be a electron + muon channel. Cut definitions need fine tuning (Using VBF H  tau tau  lh cuts). Higgs to tau tau analysisCarlos Solans9 ========== CUTFLOW TABLE ============ Total number of Events:5000 (a) Trigger = 1398 27.96 27.96 (b) Lepton = 1076 76.9671 21.52 (c) Tau = 130 12.0818 2.6 (d) MET = 64 49.2308 1.28 (e) Reco = 24 37.5 0.48 Reco cut is the collinear approximation (Not to be used in this analysis)

10 Minimization tests A TileCal front-end pulse shape minimization algorithm has been implemented to test the Minimization code. We fit a simulated pulse shape to the TileConditions pulse shape. Good agreement between given parameters and computed values. Higgs to tau tau analysisCarlos Solans10 Amplitude: 97.774 +/- 0.010 Phase: -65.710 +/- 1.000 Pedestal: 49.465 +/- 0.010 double amp = 100; int offset = -68; double ped = 50; SIMPLEX

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