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Geography Ancient Egypt was located at the North-East of Africa. Be cautious!!! It is near the equator, so it will be REALLY HOT!!! The summer temperature.

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2 Geography Ancient Egypt was located at the North-East of Africa. Be cautious!!! It is near the equator, so it will be REALLY HOT!!! The summer temperature was from 26.7-32.3 Celsius. In winter, it ranged from 13-21 Celsius. In Egypt there are large and massive desserts and low rainfall, There were many natural resources in the Ancient Egypt. Maybe you will even step on a precious stone while you are walking towards the pyramid! Nile river No rain!!!

3 Geography Decorative stones, copper, lead ores, gold and semi-precious stones are also found in Egypt too. These natural resources allowed the ancient Egyptians to build great pyramids, temples, sculpt statues and make tools. They have made their houses out of mud bricks by the river. There is also paper made out of a certain reed that grows by the river, it is called papyrus if you want to trade. Papyrus reed

4 Social Everyday each person starts with a bath, and normally each kid wears a thin piece of linen cloth, and never bring a little baby to Ancient Egypt or else they will have to be running around naked! Adults like men and women both will have to wear make up in their society, so if you like make u p a lot you should go to Egypt. And only families that are rich could let their children go to the scribe school, and normally only boys could go to scribe school. Other than scribes other people could still learn pottery around their neighborhood. Ancient Pot

5 Social If you are really interested in art the you can come to Egypt and learn, Per lesson will also cost you one bag of rice. For living you can live in a ancient cave or in a pyramid, but they both have different cost. An ancient cave will cost you two buckets of milk, and a pyramid motel will cost you two bars of gold per room per day (including bathing, food, one big bed and a tiny bed for kids.) In the social pyramid the slaves were on the most bottom part, then comes the farmers, and then the craft workers, merchants, and the scribes. On the last second place it is the noble and priests. On the top layer I think that you guys will know it already, the pharaoh. Pyramid motel

6 Political If you really want to be a priest or a pharaoh you will have to wait a really long time, because being a pharaoh has lots of responsibilities for the country. Other than the vizier the scribe will have to do lots of work too, like helping the country to record down the amount of food the have in their storage and how much they have bartered from other people. And the priest also has very important work, they will have to take care of the temples and the monuments. The monuments may represent what they have done very well. Well and the temples may represent lots of gods like the goddess of love and the goddess of cats. Black cat Pharaoh

7 Political But there was a certain pharaoh that could order more and more temples and monuments, he is Ramses II. He also has more rights to have more than one wife and children. More than one time Egypt has tried to conquer Nubia for all of their natural recourses, I think you better watch out for war time again. During that time Egypt was under the rule of Cleopatra the last queen of Egypt. During the war time they used these little carts that was made out of iron and was pulled by horses to defend the arrows from the enemies. Wheel carts

8 Intellect If you want to go into the scribing school, your family must be very rich and you have to be very smart. When you got into the scribing school, you will have to learn up to hundreds and thousands of symbols for writing, but we only have to learn 26 letters. Those letters were called hieroglyphics, they come in all different shapes and sizes. When they were writing, they will write on pots, papyrus paper, or on clay tablets. By doing that, they could record down what the have and their history. The Egyptians also had lots of famous wall painting in the dark caves. Color for scribes Clay tablet

9 Culture Ancient Egypt was divided into three main kingdoms, the old kingdom, the middle kingdom and the new kingdom. During that time Egypt was conquered by the Libyans, Nubians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Persians, and Greece. After that the Egyptians produced their own writing system, then the Greece took over their writing system and changed it. After the Greece modified the hieroglyphics, the Egyptians further modified it. till now they still have been using it since then. Tutankhamen(King Tut) was the youngest king in Egypt. He ascended to the thrown in1332 B.C. at the age of 9, and died at age 18. (1332 B.C.- 1323 B.C.) Hieroglyphics Tutankhamen's death mask

10 Economy If you want to be a farmer go to ancient Egypt, their agriculture is really famous. They use agriculture to water their crops, first they dig pathways from the Nile River to let the water flow down the path, then the water will touch the roots of the plants and so the crops will grow tall and strong through out the year. Normally they trade on land and on the water. How they traveled on water is by building a boat and using it as a vehicle. They trade gold, decorative stones and copper. Mostly gold they use it for trading really good things, for example : Pots and jewelry. For decorative stones we could make it into very beautiful jewelry for the king or queen to wear it. And last, copper can be made into weapons and shields. If you want to buy pots and jewelry it only cost one bar of gold!! Egyptian necklace

11 Bibliography “ Ancient Egypt.” Wikipedia 9 Dec. 2012. Joyce, Haynes. School days. Volume 1 Issue 6. 9 Dec. 2012 < true&db=prh&AN=236168&site=srck-live>. Mc Gill, Sara Ann. Egyptian Government. 2009. 8 Dec. 2012. < true&db=prh&AN=17948916&site=srck5-live>.

12 Bibliography “The Great Egyptians Pyramids.” The Large Stones. 7 Dec. 2012.>. Wiemen, Helen. Ancient Civilizations. United States of America: Cobblestone Publishing Company, 2003. Wilmore, Kathy. “Growing in Ancient Egypt.” Volume 188. 9 May.2005. true&db=prh&AN=17993607&site=srck5-live>.

13 Little Tips When Traveling Egypt When you travel in the deserts remember to bring lots and lots of water, or else you will be very thirsty!!! What you should wear and bring to Egypt in your suitcase : shorts, t-shirts, flip-flops, sandals, bring a cap, sunglasses, sun screen, a fan and WATER!!! Remember to bring money during the trip, you will have lots of thing to buy in Egypt, for example You can buy this!!!

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