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A Synthesis Method for MVL Reversible Logic by 1 Department of Computer Science, University of Victoria, Canada M. Miller 1, G. Dueck 2, and D. Maslov.

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Presentation on theme: "A Synthesis Method for MVL Reversible Logic by 1 Department of Computer Science, University of Victoria, Canada M. Miller 1, G. Dueck 2, and D. Maslov."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Synthesis Method for MVL Reversible Logic by 1 Department of Computer Science, University of Victoria, Canada M. Miller 1, G. Dueck 2, and D. Maslov 1 2 Faculty of Computer Science, University of New Brunswick, Canada

2 Outline - Motivation for our research - Definitions - Synthesis algorithm, results - Future work: templates, quantum implementation analysis page 1/18 ISMVL, Toronto, Canada May 20, 2004

3 Motivation page 2/18 Why reversible? Why MVL? ISMVL, Toronto, Canada May 20, 2004

4 Motivation page 2/18 Why reversible? For T equal room temperature, this package of heat is small, i.e. 2.9*10 -21 Joule, but non-negligible. It can be calculated that for Madison Itanium-2 processor heat dissipation can be as high as 0.147 W. Landauer's principle: logic computations that are not reversible, necessarily generate heat: kT*ln 2, for every bit of information that is lost, where k is Boltzmann's constant and T the temperature of the computation. ISMVL, Toronto, Canada May 20, 2004

5 Motivation page 3/18 Why reversible? Zhirnov et al. projected the heat dissipation due to the information loss calculation on the year 2016 in accordance to the ITRS-2001. They came up with the number 5.000.000 W/cm 2. For comparison: regular light bulb – 60-100 W surface of the sun – 6000 W/cm 2 estimated ultimate heat removal from silicon – 1000 W/cm 2 “no known solution” category – 93 W/cm 2 ISMVL, Toronto, Canada May 20, 2004

6 Motivation page 4/18 Why MVL? Reversible logic is often considered in conjunction with quantum computations. Why not binary? In NMR garbage is expensive. Consider a problem with input size 1000. In binary: bits are needed. In ternary: bits are needed. ISMVL, Toronto, Canada May 20, 2004

7 Motivation page 5/18 Why MVL? Reversible logic is often considered in conjunction with quantum computations. Why not continuous? Continuous transformations can only be approximated, thus errors accumulate. Distinction of two “close” amplitudes may be hard. How to code data? ISMVL, Toronto, Canada May 20, 2004

8 Definitions page 6/18 Definition. Multiple output MVL function is called reversible iff: 1. 2. - is a bijection. In reversible logic fan-outs and feed-back conventionally are not allowed, thus any network is a cascade. The gates we use are those considered by De Vos and their simple extensions. ISMVL, Toronto, Canada May 20, 2004

9 Definitions: gates page 7/18 ISMVL, Toronto, Canada May 20, 2004 xNC1C2 0212 1120 2001 Gates N and C1 were initially considered by De Vos. We introduce gate C2 and allow many controls. G G N-C1-C2 CN-CC1- CC2

10 Optimal Synthesis page 8/18 ISMVL, Toronto, Canada May 20, 2004 gatesC1-CNC1 CC1-CN C1-N CC1-CN C1-C2-N CC1-CC2-CN 01111 146812 213315293 339130280597 41154981,3423,224 53261,7775,69215,042 68975,92420,99257,951 72,39518,08963,292144,039 86,10747,849128,159127,056 914,66099,576118,63514,750 1032,268126,98123,516115 1162,14558,192906 1296,2373,7955 1397,70531 1443,902 155,816 16243 177 Avg.11.979.398.117.16

11 More gates page 9/18 ISMVL, Toronto, Canada May 20, 2004 xDE 001 120 212 We need gate D for synthesis. Further, allow controls to be either 1 or 2.

12 Synthesis Algorithm page 10/18 ISMVL, Toronto, Canada May 20, 2004 The Algorithm Assume the function is given in a truth table as a reversible specification. Transform output to the form of the input pattern by pattern assigning gates at either end of the cascade. Transform the output pattern to the form of input in lexicographical order. While working with the pattern of higher order do not affect patterns with lower order.

13 Synthesis Algorithm ISMVL, Toronto, Canada May 20, 2004 00 01 02 10 11 12 20 21 22 21 20 22 12 10 11 02 00 01 02 00 01 12 10 11 21 20 22 00 01 02 10 11 12 20 22 21 N C2 00 01 02 10 11 12 20 22 21 D 2 00 01 02 10 11 12 20 21 22 00 01 02 10 11 12 20 21 22 transformgate choice 0  1 C1, E 0  2 C2, N 1  0 C2, E 1  2 D 2  0 C1, N 2  1 D page 11/18

14 Synthesis Algorithm: results ISMVL, Toronto, Canada May 20, 2004 GatesAlgorithm f onlyAlgorithm f and f -1 Optimal 0111 124 2301315335 32,3952,5933,407 411,74312,95425,255 534,75539,061114,095 672,21780,699187,569 797,192103,66332,173 881,97879,09921 943,88634,338 1014,8498,612 113,2461,437 1229384 Avg.7.116.925.60 page 12/18

15 ISMVL, Toronto, Canada May 20, 2004 Synthesis Algorithm: results Irreversible example: 3-bit ternary full adder. page 13/18

16 Future work: templates ISMVL, Toronto, Canada May 20, 2004 A size m template is a cascade of m gates which realizes the identity function. Any template of size m should be independent of smaller size templates, i.e. application of smaller templates does not decrease the number of gates in a size m template. Given G 0 G 1 …G m-1, a template of size m, its application for parameter p, is: - for page 14/18

17 Future work: templates ISMVL, Toronto, Canada May 20, 2004 A B C D E F G Example. Template ABCDEFG. p=4. Starting gate B. Direction: backward. B B A A G G F F C C D D E E Proper classification and application of the templates would help circuit simplification. page 15/18

18 Future work: templates ISMVL, Toronto, Canada May 20, 2004 page 16/18 138 96

19 Future work: quantum cost ISMVL, Toronto, Canada May 20, 2004 Ternary constants: Circuit is applied to 2 ‘quantum computers’ in parallel. After computation, ternary 1 is measured on the 1 st and ternary 2 on the 2 nd ‘computer’. page 17/18

20 Future work: quantum cost ISMVL, Toronto, Canada May 20, 2004 Ternary gates: D and E can be decomposed into circuits with N, C1, and C2. page 18/18

21 END Thanks for Your attention! A Synthesis Method for MVL Reversible Logic

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