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Secure, verifiable online voting 29 th June 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Secure, verifiable online voting 29 th June 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Secure, verifiable online voting 29 th June 2016

2 1 Smartmatic are the worlds largest provider of technology solutions for elections

3 Our achievements in numbers 2 790,000 polling stations served Over 275,000 voting machines deployed 100% successful elections Over 153,000 identity verification devices deployed Over 70,000 elected officials 3.7 billion votes cast and counted

4 Our most recent project

5 4 We are a leading global provider of online voting

6 5 Mission: To bring Internet voting forward to help governments make the voting process easier, more accessible, more secure and more auditable Founded in 2014 Multidisciplinary Team for research and development First-of-a-kind in the world Based in Estonia World Leader in automation of elections Provider of i-voting in Estonia since its implementation SCCEIV

7 Recent online voting projects – Maipu (Chile)

8 Recent online voting projects – Utah (USA)

9 Recent online voting projects – Apple Corp (Global)

10 9 In elections, these things are important

11 10 Accessibility SecurityTransparency ‘Sweet spot

12 11 Cast as intended verification + Validation Server Voting Application Digital Ballot Box Verification Server Verification Mobile App Verification Code A B C A B C A B C A B C Electoral Board Final reports Option A Option B  Voter Mathematical proof of mixing Mathematical proof correct decryption (Mixing process) (Decryption process) (Ballot encrypted and digitally signed) Voting Validation Valid votes Storage MixingDecryption Count Server Counting ‘ End-to-end’ verifiability Stored as cast verification Auditors Bulletin Board ID Credentials / OTP Authentication How it works

13 Accessibility ‘Bring the ballot to the voter’ Multi-language interfaces Intuitive UX make the process simple Audio browser compliant for blind/low vision voters Integration with accessibility peripherals

14 Security Strong authentication (incl. biometric) End-to-end vote encryption preserves privacy Digital signatures preserve integrity TLS security prevents eaves dropping Secret key sharing Cryptographic mixing preserves anonymity Immutable log files Physically and logically protected hosting Advanced cryptographic protocols protect system

15 Transparency Smartphone based voter verification Blockchain based bulletin board Zero knowledge cryptographic proofs Auditability tools and API Source code review / audit

16 15 Secure, verifiable online voting can be achieved today

17 16 It’s more secure, accessible and transparent than any other form of remote voting

18 Conclusion Potential and challenges of e-voting in the EU – Study for the AFCO Committee

19 18 Mike Summers – Program Manager Tel: +44 7585 800950 Skype: mike_a_summers Twitter: _mikesummers Thanks!

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