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Blood By the end of the lesson you should be able to:  State the composition of Blood  State the function of red blood cells and plasma  Explain the.

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Presentation on theme: "Blood By the end of the lesson you should be able to:  State the composition of Blood  State the function of red blood cells and plasma  Explain the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Blood By the end of the lesson you should be able to:  State the composition of Blood  State the function of red blood cells and plasma  Explain the function of hemoglobin in the transport of oxygen  State the function of white blood cells

2  the average human has 5 litres of blood  it is a transporting fluid  it carries vital substances to all parts of the body Blood

3 Human blood smear X 500

4  plasma (~55%)  red blood cells (5-6 million /ml)  white blood cells (5000/ml)  platelets skool blood plasma


6 x 1000

7 Plasma -liquid part of blood -transports:  food (glucose & amino acids)  waste products  heat  carbon dioxide  hormones  antibodies

8 Red blood cells (Erythrocytes)  transport oxygen specialized to do this Also carry some CO 2

9 Red blood cells specializations 2) no nucleus  extra space inside 3) contain hemoglobin  the oxygen carrying molecule  250 million molecules / cell Quirky Almost Unnecessary Cartoon 1) biconcave shape increases the surface area so more oxygen can be carried

10 Hemoglobin  gives red blood cells their color  can carry up to 4 molecules of O 2  associates and dissociates with O 2  contains iron Quick clip Quick clip

11 Platelets if you get cut:-  platelets produce tiny fibrin threads  these form a web-like mesh that traps blood cells.  these harden forming a clot, or "scab."  150,000 to 400,000 per mm 3

12 Platelets  SEM of a clot with platelet, fibrin mesh, rbc’s

13 White blood cells (Leukocytes)  the bodies “defense”  part of the immune system  much larger than RBCs  far fewer  have a nucleus  4000-13000 per mm 3

14 Neutrophils  ~60% of WBCs  Function Phagocytize & destroy bacteria  First cells to respond to infection  Secrete antibacterial chemicals

15 Phagocytosis

16 Lymphocytes 20-40% of WBCs  Produces anti-bodies  recognizes and acts against a specific antigen (foreigner)  There are 2 types: T-cells B-cells

17 Lymphocytes  T lymphocytes can attack foreign cells directly (17.6) (17.6a)

18 Lymphocytes  B lymphocytes transform into plasma cells and secrete antibodies (17.6b)

19 Monocytes  Up to 10% of WBCs  Become wandering macrophages after DIAPEDESIS Diapedesis is the process of white blood cells migrating outside of blood vessels

20 Diapedesis

21 Eosinophils  1-7% of WBCs  Phagocytize  Secrete antihistamine (allergic reactions)  Attack parasites

22 Basophils  <3% of WBCs Histamine – creates inflammation in allergic reaction Increases circulation to allow for other WBC’s to arrive and help out (counteracted later by Eosinophils) Neutrophils

23 Robin, Suzanne. “5 types of White Blood Cells,” 2011 Basophils < 3% Eosinophils ~7% Monocytes up to 10% Lymphocytes 20-40% Neutrophils 45-75% Frequency of white blood cells (on average)

24 Blood Can you?  State the composition of Blood  State the function of red blood cells and plasma  Explain the function of hemoglobin in the transport of oxygen  State the function of 5 white blood cells

25 Quick test… 1.Which is more abundant? White blood cells Red blood cells

26 Quick test… 2. What is the advantage of red blood cells NOT having a nucleus?

27 Quick test… 3. Which white blood cell is most abundant? Eosinophils Neutrophils

28 Quick test… 4. Which important oxygen-carrying molecule is found in abundance WITHIN red blood cells?

29 Quick test… 5. Which cellular component found in blood plays a role in blood-clotting?

30 Quick test… 6. Which white blood cell contains both T and B cells? Lymphocytes Monocytes

31 Quick test… 7. Which white blood cell is considered the “wanderer” after Diapedesis? Basophils Monocytes

32 Quick test… 8. Which white blood cell secretes histamine, a chemical causing inflammation to increase blood flow? Basophils Eosinophils

33 Quick test… 9. Which white blood cell secretes anti- histamine, a chemical working OPPOSITE of histamine to reduce swelling form allergic reactions? Basophils Eosinophils

34 Quick test… 10. Which white blood cell ALSO attacks parasites that enter the body? Basophils Eosinophils

35 Quick test… 11. Which Lymphocytes attack cells directly? T cells B cells

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