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Compensation in the Sharing Economy Margaret Yap JUNE 3, 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "Compensation in the Sharing Economy Margaret Yap JUNE 3, 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 Compensation in the Sharing Economy Margaret Yap JUNE 3, 2016

2 EXAMPLES OF THE SHARING ECONOMY Source: Back to the Future – The Sharing Economy. A Report Deputy Ministers’ Committee on Policy Innovation (DMCPI), Feb 2015

3 THE SHARING ECONOMY The Motivated Offerers

4 AttractMotivate Develop Retain Compensation [Fixed & Variable] Benefits [Government- mandated & employer- Sponsored] Development [new skills/competencies & advancement] Satisfaction [social network, work/life balance, career success] THE TRADITIONAL MODEL EMPLOYER EMPLOYEE Provides protection, fairness/equity through laws & regulations, e.g. ESA, HRC, OHSA, WSIA, Pay Equity, etc.. GOVERNMENT

5 Compensation [Fixed & Variable] Benefits [Government- mandated & employer- Sponsored] COMPENSATION & BENEFITS Salaries / Wages Bonus Merit Worker’ Comp Vacation/ Holidays CPP/QPP EI Pensions Healthcare Insurance: Life, AD&D, S/LTD EAP, etc. etc. Pensions Healthcare Insurance: Life, AD&D, S/LTD EAP, etc. etc. Overtime Allowances

6 FOOD FOR THOUGHT…  How do we ensure workers in the non-traditional model are protected?  What are the roles that governments and unions can play? Compliance Fairness Efficiency

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