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Revelation 2:4-5 Prepared by Chris Reeves * Southside church of Christ Gospel Meeting * September 22, 2015.

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2 Revelation 2:4-5 Prepared by Chris Reeves * Southside church of Christ Gospel Meeting * September 22, 2015

3 Marriage Made in Heaven  “Marriage” between God and Israel (Isa. 54:5; Jer. 2:2; 3:14; Hos. 2:19-20)  “Marriage” between Christ and the church (Rom. 7:4; 2 Cor. 11:2; Rev. 19:7-9)

4 Marriage Made in Heaven  When Israel was “unfaithful” it was “adultery” (Jer. 3:1, 8-9; 5:7; Mt. 12:39)  When the church is “unfaithful” it is “adultery” (Jas. 4:4)  How do we keep the flames of love burning (Mt. 24:12; Rev. 2:4-5)?  How do we rekindle our marriage?

5 Left Your First Love A.D. 52  Ephesus – a new love (Acts 18-19) A.D. 60-63  Ephesus – a growing love (Eph. 5:2) A.D. 65-68  Ephesus – a settled love (1&2 Timothy) A.D. 95  Ephesus – a lost love (Rev. 2:4-5)

6 Left Your First Love  Romance  Reality  Rut  Resentment  Renounce  Remember  Repent Revelation 2:4 - left Revelation 2:5 - revitalize

7 Husband & WifeChrist & Church  Hard work (Gen. 29:20)  Commitment (1 Sam. 1:5)  Passion & longing (Prov. 5:15-19; S.S. 3:1; 8:6-7)  Hard work (1 Thess. 1:3)  Commitment (Jn. 8:31)  Passion & longing (Psa. 26:8; Eph. 6:24)

8 Husband & WifeChrist & Church  Joy (Eccl. 9:9)  Sacrifice and respect (Eph. 5:33)  No bitterness (Col. 3:19)  Close friendship (Titus 2:4)  Joy (Phil. 4:4, 10)  Sacrifice and respect (Eph. 5:24)  No bitterness (Jas. 13-18)  Close friendship (Jn. 15:14)

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