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Making accurate and precise measurements.  The metric system (AKA International System of Units or S.I.) is a measuring system based on units of 10.

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Presentation on theme: "Making accurate and precise measurements.  The metric system (AKA International System of Units or S.I.) is a measuring system based on units of 10."— Presentation transcript:

1 Making accurate and precise measurements

2  The metric system (AKA International System of Units or S.I.) is a measuring system based on units of 10. Units in the S.I. are:  meter (m), which is used for measuring length.  liter (l), which is used to measure volume.  gram (g), which is used to measure mass.

3 Kilo (k) Hecto (h) Deka (de) or deca (da) Base (m, l, or g) Deci (d) Centi (c) Milli (m) 1000 100 10 1 0.1 0.01.001 1000/1 100/1 10/1 1 1/10 1/1001/1000

4 1. Begin on the 1cm mark and make your recording. 2. Subtract 1 from the number your recorded to get your answer. For example: 1.5cm - 1.0 cm = 0.5 cm  Make sure you include 1 digit after the decimal. This is usually an estimate.

5  3.85 cm - 1.0 cm = 2.85 cm

6 1. Place the graduated cylinder on a flat surface. 2. Read from the bottom of the meniscus (bubble) at EYE LEVEL. 3. Again you want to estimate.

7 1. Move all sliders to the left. 2. Check to see if the mark on the moving arm lines up with the 0 on the balance. 3. Place specimen on pan then move the sliders until the marks line up at 0.


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