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Octobre 5 2007LAL Orsay Report from the IRENG07 workshop at SLAC W. Lohmann, DESY from Septembre 17 – 21, ~ 100 participants - plenary and parallel sessions.

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Presentation on theme: "Octobre 5 2007LAL Orsay Report from the IRENG07 workshop at SLAC W. Lohmann, DESY from Septembre 17 – 21, ~ 100 participants - plenary and parallel sessions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Octobre 5 2007LAL Orsay Report from the IRENG07 workshop at SLAC W. Lohmann, DESY from Septembre 17 – 21, ~ 100 participants - plenary and parallel sessions - four working groups A, B, C, D, preparations prior the the workshop - conclusions in the plenary, last day Here I report on issues related to FCAL: - Montage of the detector and access to inner subdetectors - systems interfering with BeamCal

2 Octobre 5 2007LAL Orsay Detector Example LDC 12m 12.4m Weight ~7700t L*=4.3m QD0 BeamCal LumiCal VTX TPC ECAL HCAL LHCAL How mount it ? How move it ? How bring it in the beam ? How repair it ? Supply of power Cooling and Cryo Radiation and background Vacuum Signal transfer Survey Services (Water, Air condition

3 Octobre 5 2007LAL Orsay Surface Hall and Underground Area for two Detectors Top view Surface hall with access shaft Detector Underground Area Detectoe Service Cavern

4 Octobre 5 2007LAL Orsay Underground Area for two Detectors

5 Octobre 5 2007LAL Orsay LDC Montage or full Opening - assembly of the detector at the surface hall - lowering down slices of the barrel and endcaps a la CMS - completion (TPC, VTX, beampipe) in the UA QD0 needs helium supply Top view Helium sypply QD0 Beam pipe with VTX And FTD

6 Octobre 5 2007LAL Orsay Opening for VTX access Vacuum is kept! Side view

7 Octobre 5 2007LAL Orsay >2.5m Pillar Spokes Guideance Support Tube and Endcap moving Engineering Challenge !

8 Octobre 5 2007LAL Orsay beam-gas interactions Vacuum and Background Issues average energy: 100 GeV! origin: 200 m from IP Vacuum: 10 nT out to 200 m 0.02-0.04 electrons/BX Conservative estimate: 1 nT in +- 200 m from IP (limit hits in the VTX) BeamCal range Vacuum near the IP: less critical, since 0.5  events per BX (2 mb) 1 - 10 nT between +- L * (L. Keller)

9 Octobre 5 2007LAL Orsay Pump 9 m Ceramics support 24 l/s 84 l/s 220 l/s/m If no pump at cone region (z < L*) NEG pump just before QD0 (Y. Suetsugu, O. Malyshev)

10 Octobre 5 2007LAL Orsay Vacuum Issues simulation: Pump in the cone region is needed ! L* 1 m 24 l/s 84 l/s 220 l/s/m 60 l/s Revised proposal: Fulfills the pressure requirements, but: -Material in front of ECAL -NEG pumps need baking (250 0 C)

11 Octobre 5 2007LAL Orsay Fast feedback, FONT 3339m m 2207m m Liquid He Line 25.6m m 30mm Solution for SiD

12 Octobre 5 2007LAL Orsay Forward Region Vacuum Pump BeamCal LumiCal QD0 Graphite Space for electronics/connectors cooling Space for cables Shielding Tube BPM for FONT Si-pixel

13 Octobre 5 2007LAL Orsay Other Issues Size of the Underground area Size of the Underground area Air Pads vs Platform for Detector Movement Air Pads vs Platform for Detector Movement Impacts of Schedule on the RDR Base Design Impacts of Schedule on the RDR Base Design -Surface Assembly of Detectors -Implications of Below Ground Detector Assembly Requirements for Shielding Walls in the Interaction Region Requirements for Shielding Walls in the Interaction Region Radiation Safety Radiation Safety Cryo Supply to Detectors Cryo Supply to Detectors Other Services Required for Detectors Other Services Required for Detectors Crossing Angles & Beam-dumps Crossing Angles & Beam-dumps Look under: Look under:

14 Octobre 5 2007LAL Orsay How to proceed (A. Seryi) Work before the IRENG07 workshop –was very important Work at the workshop –A lot of extremely useful information –Many options for design optimization –In many cases suggestions of plans for further studies were discussed Further work –develop interface document (s) to describe parameters, solutions, responsibilities –to develop plans for EDR work to carry out studies needed to improve the design –keep working together on these studies

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