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Non-CO 2 Greenhouse Gases breakout session NACP Science Team meeting 18 February 2009.

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1 Non-CO 2 Greenhouse Gases breakout session NACP Science Team meeting 18 February 2009

2 Synthesis Goals and Procedures: Cross cutting data sets: Comparisons between NOAA CCG data and HIPPO data were displayed and discussed in terms of complementarities, capability to determine global scale vertical and meridional transport rates. WRF driver fields for application to the synthesis project: Jan 2008 through Jan 2009 is a key period, with more underlying concentration data at towers, and a wealth of intensive aircraft data, compared to earlier years. A month should be run with both WRF 2.4 and WRF 3.0. Prior flux fields for application to the synthesis project: Global DLEM (Auburn U.) output, hourly, 32 km grid, driven by assimilated meteorology.

3 Form and function of the NACP Non-CO 2 Website The goal is to provide a widely accessible, uniform, comprehensive data base of observations for the full suite of gases 2003—2008, plus related driver and prior flux data. A safe deposit box is already functioning at the ORNL-DAAC. The web interface for the data set is not determined, and was discussed in some detail. Highest priority: provide a visible, intuitive interface for widest possible dissemination (subject to "Fair Use" voluntary rules). Next priority: provide a platform for continuation of data base growth and updating; obtain support for this operation. Next priority: deliver value-added data products and operable software for users, plus outreach products (e.g. animations).

4 Other issues: We will seek to include O 2 :N 2 data from Bowdoin and Scripps. The need was identified for automated collection of flask samples at key AmeriFlux sites, to validate in situ measurements on world standard concentration standards. This synthesis project appears to need 6+ months additional to wind up with products delivered. Synergy with other programs: Walnut Grove intensive site—high resolution on agricultural sources of CH 4 and N 2 O  CALNEX (a.k.a. The Governator Study). NSF programs on inversions, WRF development, HIPPO flights; NASA and DoE ("CLASSIC") flight programs.

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