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PROGRESS REPORT INTERAGENCY MEETINGS/ACTIVITIES ANGUILLA CARICOM Workshop on Environment Statistics April 7 - 8, 2014 Brittany Christopher - Harris Anguilla.

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Presentation on theme: "PROGRESS REPORT INTERAGENCY MEETINGS/ACTIVITIES ANGUILLA CARICOM Workshop on Environment Statistics April 7 - 8, 2014 Brittany Christopher - Harris Anguilla."— Presentation transcript:

1 PROGRESS REPORT INTERAGENCY MEETINGS/ACTIVITIES ANGUILLA CARICOM Workshop on Environment Statistics April 7 - 8, 2014 Brittany Christopher - Harris Anguilla Statistics Department

2 Inter-Agency Meetings Most meetings held were of an ad hoc nature as there was no ‘true’ commitment obtained from stakeholders in ensuring there is a sense of continuity in the development of environment statistics. The last meeting was held on November 7, 2013. Similar to the ANSAC (Anguilla National Statistics Advisory Committee), which recently revived we will seek to set up an Environmental Interagency Advisory Committee (EIAC), which would hold meetings on a quarterly basis to advance the work in this area.

3 Content of Discussions The most recent meeting held was aimed at discussing an efficient way forward in the development and production of environmental data. Some points of discussions include;  The need and urgency for synergy  The development of a annual environmental compendium  The availability of data relevant to the agency/organization  The need for clearer and concise definitions and methodologies.

4 What Data is Available? At the moment, the data that is available is generally derived from the census data, which is only a small fraction of the listed items within each of the indicators. Indicators that were obtained (exclusive of censual years) are as follows;  Waste (excluding data which refers to urban and rural distinction)  Water  4.1 Renewable Freshwater Resources  4.3 Freshwater Available for Use

5 Challenges One primary challenge that the ASD faces is the collaboration and synergy of agency relevant to the development and production of this data. Other Challenges include;  Limitation of human and financial resources always plays a pivotal role in the progress of this data.  The collection of data from private water suppliers poses another challenge.

6 Best Practices Development of a sub-strategy in the development and production of environment data. The Anguilla Statistics Department is currently in the documentation stage, where we are identifying critical fundamental building tools in an effort to determine the best way forward in the production of this data. This approach would provide stakeholders with an understanding and overview of our trajectory to accurate and sustainable data within this thematic area and allow them to provide constructive feedback in this process.

7 Environmental Compendium The Anguilla Statistics Department is in the documentation stages of developing an annual environmental compendium. We have started to develop a framework for the production of environmental data on a national level. However, this initiative is still in the developmental stages and requires further work prior to its culmination and pursuit of the production of an environmental compendium.

8 Status of Submission The Anguilla Statistics Department can provide CARICOM with the data as it becomes available.

9 THANK YOU! Questions?

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