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Lesson 94A – Isaiah 1–2 Introduction to Isaiah: Who and Why?

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1 Lesson 94A – Isaiah 1–2 Introduction to Isaiah: Who and Why?

2 Isaiah – Who was he? Born around 770 BC Isa. 1:1 – Son of Amoz – Which Kings? – Mentioned specifically with King Hezekiah in 2 Kings – Prophesied to Hezekiah that the Lord would spare the Kingdom of Judah from the Babylonians (and destroyed them)

3 Prophet, Seer, and Poet A Prophet – Revelations 19:10 – What does it mean to be a prophet? “Isaiah was the principal Old Testament prophet who prophesied of the coming of the Messiah” (James E. Faust, “The Keystone of Our Religion”, Ensign and Liahona, Jan. 2004, 5).

4 Prophet, Seer, and Poet A Seer – What is a seer? – Mosiah 8:15-16 Isaiah was one of the “all-access” seers. Who else? – Moses, Abraham, Nephi, John the Revelator, Joseph Smith

5 Prophet, Seer, and Poet A Poet Over 90% of Isaiah’s writings are in poetic form. Who else is known as one of the greatest poets of all time? – Shakespeare. Why? – The themes, symbolism, eloquence of his writing is universal and layered. Isaiah’s command of Hebrew poetry is unprecedented Victor Ludlow – “Scholars are undecided as to whether his book is a collection of carefully prepared compositions by the prophet himself, or whether his inspiration was simply so intense that his poetry is an expression of the mind of God.”

6 Why do we study Isaiah? First, because it’s a commandment 3 Nephi 11:1-2 – This is Christ commanding us to study His words 2 Nephi 6:5 – “because ye are the house of Israel” – We are also the house of Israel. Bruce R. McConkie “If, as many suppose, Isaiah ranks with the most difficult of the prophets to understand, his words are also among the most important for us to know and ponder....His prophetic words can and should shine brightly in the heart of every member of the Church.” “It just may be that my salvation (and yours also!) does in fact depend upon our ability to understand the writings of Isaiah as fully and truly as Nephi understood them”

7 3 Nephi 11:3 Because all his words will be fulfilled This reminds me of Einstein – He made many predictions and created theories about the speed of light, relativity, gravity, black holes, etc. – Scientists continue to prove his theories correct – There are others that science has not advanced enough to prove.

8 Quoting Isaiah Because it’s quoted more than any other prophet in the scriptures More quoted verses in B of M than the entirety of 1 Nephi (21 full chapters) Quoted 137 times in the New Testament and 106 times in D&C Why such long passages, especially in the Book of Mormon? – Remember that this was their scripture as well, not just for our day – Many quoted verses slightly altered, for them and us

9 Because his words are pure Isaiah is notoriously difficult to comprehend, because of its sometimes cryptic symbolism and poetic structure. This obfuscation has an advantage Matthew 13:10-11, 14-16 – Only those who are prepared will understand them, and those who do not have the Spirit will not have power to change the true principles that are found

10 Knowing Christ Most importantly, because through his words we can know Christ Above all, Isaiah testifies of Christ, His birth, death, suffering for our sins, and our path through Him to lead us back to the Father If Christ is constantly in our minds as we read Isaiah, we can find a greater understanding of our Savior and know better how to come unto Him.

11 Notebook Ideas What can you do to open your heart and mind while reading the words of Isaiah? How does exploring the complex symbols and writings help you gain appreciation for the principles that are being taught? Why would a thorough study of Hebrew poetry bring you to Christ?

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