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November 2015 EEI Financial Conference. ® Safe Harbor 2 Some of the matters discussed in this presentation may contain forward-looking statements that.

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Presentation on theme: "November 2015 EEI Financial Conference. ® Safe Harbor 2 Some of the matters discussed in this presentation may contain forward-looking statements that."— Presentation transcript:

1 November 2015 EEI Financial Conference

2 ® Safe Harbor 2 Some of the matters discussed in this presentation may contain forward-looking statements that are subject to certain risks, uncertainties and assumptions. Such forward-looking statements are intended to be identified in this document by the words "anticipate", "believe", "estimate", "expect", "intend", "objective", "plan", "possible", "potential", "project" and similar expressions. Actual results may vary materially. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially include, but are not limited to: general economic conditions, including the availability of credit, access to existing lines of credit, access to the commercial paper markets, actions of rating agencies and their impact on capital expenditures; the ability of the Company and its subsidiaries to access the capital markets and obtain financing on favorable terms as well as inflation rates and monetary fluctuations; prices and availability of electricity, coal, natural gas and natural gas liquids; the timing and extent of changes in commodity prices, particularly natural gas and natural gas liquids, the competitive effects of the available pipeline capacity in the regions Enable Midstream Partners serves, and the effects of geographic and seasonal commodity price differentials, including the effects of these circumstances on re-contracting available capacity on Enable Midstream Partners' interstate pipelines; the timing and extent of changes in the supply of natural gas, particularly supplies available for gathering by Enable Midstream Partners' gathering and processing business and transporting by Enable Midstream Partners' interstate pipelines, including the impact of natural gas and natural gas liquids prices on the level of drilling and production activities in the regions Enable Midstream Partners serves; business conditions in the energy and natural gas midstream industries including the demand for natural gas, natural gas liquids, crude oil, and midstream services; competitive factors including the extent and timing of the entry of additional competition in the markets served by the Company; unusual weather; availability and prices of raw materials for current and future construction projects; Federal or state legislation and regulatory decisions and initiatives that affect cost and investment recovery, have an impact on rate structures or affect the speed and degree to which competition enters the Company's markets; environmental laws and regulations that may impact the Company's operations; changes in accounting standards, rules or guidelines; the discontinuance of accounting principles for certain types of rate-regulated activities; the cost of protecting assets against, or damage due to, terrorism or cyber-attacks and other catastrophic events; advances in technology; creditworthiness of suppliers, customers and other contractual parties; difficulty in making accurate assumptions and projections regarding future revenues and costs associated with the Company's equity investment in Enable Midstream Partners that the Company does not control; and other risk factors listed in the reports filed by the Company with the Securities and Exchange Commission including those listed in Risk Factors and Exhibit 99.01 to the Company's Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2014.

3 OGE has a clear, conservative and achievable set of financial objectives centered around investment grade credit ratings, long- term EPS growth and conservative, yet steady, dividend growth 3 3 OGE Energy Corp (NYSE: OGE) Well positioned regulated utility with growing service territory Over $1 billion of environmental compliance and plant modernization projects to be completed by January 2019 Economic conditions in Oklahoma have been more favorable compared to the rest of the U.S. OGE holds a 26.3% limited partner interest and a 50% general partner interest of Enable Midstream Partners, LP Enhanced scale, with approximately $11 billion of combined assets Significant asset positions in a broad range of basins, including the Granite Wash, Tonkawa, Mississippi Lime, Cana Woodford, Haynesville, Fayetteville, Barnett and Woodford plays

4 4 OG&E Facts Regulated electric utility: 819,000 customers Generating capacity: 6,785 megawatts, 7 power plants, 3 wind farms Service territory: 30,000 square miles in Oklahoma and western Arkansas 2,360 Full-time (non-union) Employees 2013 EEI Edison Award for the implementation of its Smart hours Program Electric Power and Light’s 2011 Utility of the Year J.D. Power and Associates’ 2013, 2014, & 2015 Electric Utility Residential Customer Satisfaction Award

5 5 Oklahoma City is the country’s 15 th fastest growing city in 2015 … Jeremy Woodhouse/Getty Images

6 Oklahoma’s economy continues to outperform the nation… Oklahoma Treasury 12 Month Gross Receipts 2 Unemployment: Oklahoma vs. U.S. 1 Oklahoma’s unemployment rate remains lower than the US unemployment rate 1 1 As of July 2015, BLS 2 Office of the Oklahoma State Treasurer 6

7 Focus for Execute compliance strategy for environmental regulations specifically, Regional Haze and MATS Continue to develop energy management solutions for OG&E’s customers through the Smart Grid platform Manage spending versus reliability and balance investments for the ultimate benefit of customers 7

8 Environmental challenges and deadlines Mercury Air Toxics Rules (MATS) - OG&E requested and has received a one-year extension for compliance to April 16, 2016 from the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality Regional Haze – Legal measures have been exhausted so OG&E now must comply with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Federal Implementation Plan (FIP) by January 4, 2019 EPA accepts BART determination for NOx but reject SO 2 determination Oklahoma SIP Submitted OG&E Appeals to 10 th Circuit of Appeals upholds EPA’s rejection OG&E requests rehearing by full panel of judges Rehearing request denied OG&E appeals to U.S. Supreme Court declines to hear Regional Haze Case 20102011 2012 2013 2014 8

9 Environmental Compliance & Mustang Modernization Plan Update 9 Activated Carbon Injection Install on 5 coal units by 2016 Construction is on plan and budget Low NOX burners Install on 7 units by 2017 Installation is complete on all of the coal units. The permitting process is complete for the remaining 3 units at Seminole. Installation will begin on those units in the Winter of 2015 and be completed in the Spring of 2017. Scrubbers Add dry scrubbers to 2 coal units by 2018 The equipment and installation vendors for the 2 dry scrubbers have been selected Natural Gas conversion Convert 2 coal units to gas by 2019 Engineering studies for the conversion of 2 gas plants at Muskogee have been completed, a RFP for gas supply has been issued, and permit applications will be submitted to the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality in the second half of 2017 Mustang Modernization Replace the Mustang plant with 400 MWs of combustion turbines by 2018 Full notice to proceed has been issued to the turbine manufacturer. The permit applications have been filed with the Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality and the final permit is anticipated by the end of the year.

10 OG&E is gradually shifting generation resources while maintaining fuel diversity 10 2007 2013 2020 Nameplate Capacity MWh Energy

11 Consistent dividend growth *Quarterly dividend rate declared by the Board of Directors in September 2015 11 5% 6%8%11% Dividend growth rate of 10% per year through 2019

12 Summary Environmental Compliance Funded by Enable distributions, utility cash flow and debt Strong credit ratings and capital structure will be maintained Oklahoma approval expected in Summer of 2015 The economy in the service territory remains strong as OG&E continues to see new customer growth of approximately 1% OG&E’s long term growth rate is 3% - 5% Cash distributions from Enable Midstream are projected to grow 0% - 3% through 2017 OGE’s dividend growth rate is projected to be 10% per year through 2019 12

13 Appendix

14 14 Solid credit ratings with stable outlook Moody’sS&PFitchOutlook OG&EA1A-A+Stable OGE Energy Corp.A3BBB+A-Stable

15 15 2015 Cash Flow Projection (in millions of $) Cash Flow Projection Sources of Cash Utility Cash from Operations* $ 710 Enable Distributions* 140 DRIP Equity 10 Total Sources of Cash 860 Uses of Cash Utility Capital Expenditures 600 Dividends Paid 200 Total Uses of Cash 800 Net Cash provided (used) $ 60 *Midpoint of 2015 guidance

16 16 Projected Environmental & Mustang Modernization Expenditures 2015 - 2019

17 17 Projected Rate Base 2015 - 2019

18 MATS Extension Date Project Completion Schedule MATS Compliance Date Q2Q3Q4 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q2 Q3Q4Q2Q3Q4Q2Q3 20172018 2015 20162019 Q4 2014 Low NOX Burners ACI Scrub Sooner Unit Convert Muskogee Mustang CTs Regional Haze compliance date is set 55 months from US Supreme Court decision. Clock restarted 5/29/2014 + 55 months = 1/4/2019. Scrub Sooner Unit Regional Haze Compliance Date 18

19 19 OG&E Sales and Revenue by Customer Class 2014 MWH SALES MIX 2014 REVENUE MIX

20 Regulatory Overview Oklahoma Corporation Commission 3 elected commissioners serve with 6 year terms Todd Hiett was elected in the November 2014 general election to serve as the newest Commissioner. Arkansas Public Service Commission 3 appointed commissioners serve with 6 year terms FERC Transmission OG&E has a formula rate with 11.1% ROE and up to 56% equity 20

21 ® Third Quarter EPS Results 21 3Q 2015 GAAP EPS 3Q 2015 Ongoing EPS (1) 3Q 2014 GAAP & Ongoing EPS (2) OG&E$0.82 $.79 OGE Holdings (Natural Gas Midstream Operations) (0.25)0.100.14 Hold. Co.(0.02) 0.01 Consolidated$0.55$0.90$0.94 (1) OGE recognized a non-cash charge of approximately $108 million or $0.33 per average diluted share for its portion of Enable Midstream’s goodwill impairment. Additionally, OGE recognized a non-cash charge of approximately $4.8 million or $0.02 per average diluted share for a pension settlement charge. (2) There were no similar charges for the year ended December 31, 2014 therefore, ongoing and GAAP earnings are the same.

22 Third Quarter Results – OG&E In Millions of $3Q 20153Q 2014 Variance Fav/(Unfav) Gross Margin 460.0449.410.6 Operation & Maintenance 107.4111.03.6 Depreciation & Amortization 75.969.4(6.5) Income Tax Expense 63.058.7(4.3) Net income for OG&E was $163 million or $0.82 per share in 2015 as compared to net income of $157 million or $0.79 per share in 2014. Primary drivers include: 22

23 Third Quarter Results - OG&E Gross Margin 23 Millions of $ Gross Margin Drivers: Growth  Weather  Transmission  Expired Wholesale Contract 

24 ENABLE (OGE Holdings) 24 For the third quarter of 2015, Enable Midstream contributed ongoing earnings* of $20 million or $0.10 per share compared to $28 million or $.14 per share in 2014. Cash distributions to OGE for the quarter were approximately $35 million in 2015 compared to approximately $33 million in 2014. *OGE recognized a non-cash charge of approximately $108 million or $0.33 per average diluted share for its portion of Enable Midstream’s goodwill impairment. Additionally, OGE recognized a non-cash charge of approximately $5 million or $0.02 per average diluted share for a pension settlement charge. See the appendix for a reconciliation of ongoing earnings to GAAP earnings. Millions of $

25 2015 Outlook OG&E is projecting earnings to be at the low end of the earnings range of $1.41 to $1.49 per average diluted share assuming normal weather. OGE Enogex Holdings projects cash distributions from its ownership interest in Enable Midstream to be approximately $140 million. OGE’s dividend growth rate is projected to be 10% per year through 2019. 25

26 Reg. G Reconciliation 26 Three Months Ended Sep 30, (In millions) 2015 2014 Operating revenues$719.8 $754.7 Fuel and purchased power 259.8 305.3 Gross Margin$460.0 $449.4 Gross Margin is defined by OG&E as operating revenues less fuel, purchased power and certain transmission expenses. Gross margin is a non-GAAP financial measure because it excludes depreciation and amortization, and other operation and maintenance expenses. Expenses for fuel and purchased power are recovered through fuel adjustment clauses and as a result changes in these expenses are offset in operating revenues with no impact on net income. OG&E believes gross margin provides a more meaningful basis for evaluating its operations across periods than operating revenues because gross margin excludes the revenue effect of fluctuations in these expenses. Gross margin is used internally to measure performance against budget and in reports for management and the Board of Directors. OG&E's definition of gross margin may be different from similar terms used by other companies. Gross Margin to Revenue

27 Reg. G Reconciliation 27 (In millions) 3Q 2015 GAAP Earnings (Loss) Goodwill and Pension Settlement Charges (1) 3Q 2015 Ongoing Earnings (Loss) 3Q 2014 GAAP and Ongoing Earnings (Loss) (2) OG&E $162.9 $0.0$162.9$157.3 Natural Gas Midstream Operations (50.0) 69.8 19.8 28.2 Holding Company (1.7) 0.0 (1.7) 1.8 Consolidated $111.2 $69.8 $181.0 $187.3 3Q 2015 GAAP Earnings Per Share Goodwill and Pension Settlement Charges (1) 3Q 2015 Ongoing Earnings per Share 3Q 2014 GAAP and Ongoing Earnings Per Share (2) OG&E $0.82$0.00$0.82$0.79 Natural Gas Midstream Operations (0.25) 0.35 0.10 0.14 Holding Company (0.02) 0.00 (0.02) 0.01 Consolidated$0.55$0.35$0.90$0.94 Reconciliation of Ongoing Earnings (Loss) to GAAP Earnings (Loss) Reconciliation of Ongoing Earnings per Average Diluted Share to GAAP Earnings per Average Diluted Share (1) OGE recognized a non-cash charge of approximately $108 million or $0.33 per average diluted share for its portion of Enable Midstream’s goodwill impairment. Additionally, OGE recognized a non-cash charge of approximately $4.8 million or $0.02 per average diluted share for a pension settlement charge. (2) There were no similar charges for the year ended December 31, 2014 therefore, ongoing and GAAP earnings are the same.

28 Projected Capital Expenditures 2015 – 2019 28 (1) Typically 100kV to 299kV projects. Approximately 30% of revenue requirement allocated to SPP members other than OG&E. (2) Typically 300kV and above projects. Approximately 85% of revenue requirement allocated to SPP members other than OG&E. Dollars in millions20152016201720182019 OG&E Base Transmission $ 50 $ 55 $ 30 OG&E Base Distribution 165 195 175 OG&E Base Generation 90 60 75 OG&E Other 65 40 25 Total OG&E Base T&D, Gen & Other 370 350 305 OG&E Known and Committed Projects: Transmission Projects Regionally Allocated Base Projects (1) 15 50 20 ITP 10-year Projects (2) 30 35 25 10 60 Total Transmission Projects 45 85 45 30 80 Other Projects: Environmental - Low NOX 25 20 10 - - Environmental – Activated Carbon Injection 20 - - - - Environmental - Natural Gas Conversion - - - 40 35 Environmental - Scrubbers 80 150 140 95 20 Combustion Turbines – Mustang Modernization 55 180 100 50 5 Total Other Projects 180 350 250 185 60 Total Known and Committed Projects 225 435 295 215 140 Total OG&E 595 785 600 520 445

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