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James Watt inventor of the steam engine…. Robert Fulton inventor and engineer created the steamboat…..

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Presentation on theme: "James Watt inventor of the steam engine…. Robert Fulton inventor and engineer created the steamboat….."— Presentation transcript:

1 James Watt inventor of the steam engine…

2 Robert Fulton inventor and engineer created the steamboat…..

3 Eli Whitney Made the cotton gin to use cotton more easier

4 Robert Fulton U.S. inventor and engineer

5 Samuel F. B. Morse contributor to the invention of a single-wire telegraph system

6 Elias Howe was an American inventor and sewing machine pioneer.

7 Isaac Singer He was the inventor of sewing machine.

8 Cyrus Field Was a famous artist and inventor, He invented the Transatlantic Cable

9 Alexander Graham Bell Invented the phone and a year later he started the Bell telephone company

10 Thomas Edison Invented the Phonograph, Incandescent Light Bulb

11 Nikola Tesla was an inventor, mechanical engineer and electrical engineer

12 Rudolf Diesel Invented the first Diesel Engine

13 Orville and Wilbur Wright inventors of the airplane

14 Henry Ford Was the first maker of the Ford Model T

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