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Line- the path of a point moving through space.. Directions of lines Horizontal Vertical Diagonal Curvy Zig Zag.

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Presentation on theme: "Line- the path of a point moving through space.. Directions of lines Horizontal Vertical Diagonal Curvy Zig Zag."— Presentation transcript:

1 Line- the path of a point moving through space.

2 Directions of lines Horizontal Vertical Diagonal Curvy Zig Zag

3 Shape- a two-dimensional area that is defined in some way.

4 An artist that is well known for shapes cut from paper is Matisse.

5 Pattern-The repetition of anything such as shapes, lines,or colors

6 One style of art that relies heavily on pattern is Op Art Op Art is Art that creates Optical Illusions

7 Victor Vasarely is considered to be the Father of Op Art.

8 Many of the shapes in Vasarely's paintings gave the illusion of being Convex

9 If an object is Convex it bulges out.

10 His paintings created many different types of optical illusions.

11 Bridget Riley is another well known Op Artist

12 Her works give the illusion that they are vibrating or moving.


14 Quick recap of last set of notes

15 Serif- is a small line attached to the end of a stroke in a letter or symbol Sans Serif - sans means without in French so sans-serif means without a serif

16 Kerning- the space between letters and characters

17 Leading- the space between lines of text

18 Robert Indiana Was born Robert Clark in New Castle, Indiana. While in high school took art classes on Saturdays. He later went on to get an art degree and moved to New York. He changed his last name to his home state because he thought Clark was too ordinary.

19 This art work is created by a street artist named Bansky. Bansky has helped draw attention to the question- “Is graffitti art or vandalism?”

20 Is graffiti vandalism or art?.

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