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Pretérito Vs. Imperfecto Two Past Tenses. El Pretérito  We use preterite for EVENTS  The chain of events in a story line  Distinct events, not matter.

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Presentation on theme: "Pretérito Vs. Imperfecto Two Past Tenses. El Pretérito  We use preterite for EVENTS  The chain of events in a story line  Distinct events, not matter."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pretérito Vs. Imperfecto Two Past Tenses

2 El Pretérito  We use preterite for EVENTS  The chain of events in a story line  Distinct events, not matter how many times they have happened in the past  One time events

3 El Pretérito  You may see these verbs in the preterite more because they tend to be isolated or one-time events  Nacer – being born is a one-time event  Morir – dying is a one-time event  Ir – going somewhere is normally part of a storyline

4 El Pretérito  We use preterite with ACTIONS  Actions within a defined period of time  Isolated actions  Interrupting actions  (that disrupt something ongoing)  Actions that did not happen

5 El Pretérito  You may see these phrases setting up preterite isolated actions:  Un día…  Una vez…  Por un momento…

6 El Pretérito  You may notice that the body paragraphs of a story are mostly in the preterite because they tell us the events in the storyline.  If you had to mark your verbs on a timeline, preterite verbs would make dots on a timeline – each one is an isolated event.  Preterite verbs are the actions that hold a story hold together – the plot points.

7 El Imperfecto  We use imperfect for REPEATED ACTIONS  “used to ___”  “would ___” in the past  Habitual actions  Actions over an indefinite period of time

8 El Imperfecto  You may see these key phrases  Todos los sábados…  Cada semana…  Por mucho tiempo…

9 El Imperfecto  We use imperfect to SET THE SCENE  “was ___ing” or “were ___ing”  “was going to ___”  Weather  Time  Description of a scene  An on-going action that gets interrupted

10 El Imperfecto  You may see these verbs in imperfect more than others because they set the scene:  Ser (with time)  Hacer (with weather phrases)

11 El Imperfecto  We use imperfect to DESCRIBE  Age  Physical Appearance  Feelings, Emotions, and Beliefs  States of Mind/Body (tener hambre)

12 El Imperfecto  You may see these verbs in imperfect more than others because they are often used to describe:  Ser (with descriptions)  Tener (with eye color, hair color, age)  Llamarse (to say someone’s name)

13 El Imperfecto  You may notice that the first paragraph of a story is often in the imperfect because it sets the scene.  If you had to mark your verbs on a timeline, imperfect verbs could not fit into a single dot on a timeline – these are things that go on for awhile.  Imperfect verbs are the things that make a story juicy – descriptions, feelings, what was going on in the background, etc.

14 El Imperfecto  This might work as a partial summary: OPA TWA FEB “Oprah took a TWA flight in February” Outward Physical Appearance Time Weather Age Feelings Emotions Beliefs

15 Meaning Changers  Imperfecto  Saber = to know something  Conocer = to know someone  Haber = there existed  Pretérito  Saber = to find something out  Conocer = to meet someone  Haber = there occurred

16 ¿Pretérito o Imperfecto?  I swam yesterday  I used to swim.

17 ¿Pretérito o Imperfecto?  I swam yesterday  PRETÉRITO  I used to swim.  IMPERFECTO

18 ¿Pretérito o Imperfecto?  I went to the zoo on a field trip.  As a kid, I went to the zoo a lot.

19 ¿Pretérito o Imperfecto?  I went to the zoo on a field trip.  PRETÉRITO  As a kid, I went to the zoo a lot.  IMPERFECTO

20 ¿Pretérito o Imperfecto?  I remember taking that class. I was so confused.  For a moment, I got confused.

21 ¿Pretérito o Imperfecto?  I remember taking that class. I was so confused.  IMPERFECTO  For a moment, I got confused.  PRETÉRITO

22 ¿Pretérito o Imperfecto?  I knew my husband for 5 years before we married.  I met my husband in dance class.

23 ¿Pretérito o Imperfecto?  I knew my husband for 5 years before we married.  IMPERFECTO  I met my husband in dance class.  PRETÉRITO

24 ¿Pretérito o Imperfecto?  I found out that we had a test.  I knew that we had a test

25 ¿Pretérito o Imperfecto?  I found out that we had a test.  PRETÉRITO  I knew that we had a test  IMPERFECTO

26 ¿Pretérito o Imperfecto?  There was a fire drill yesterday.  There were a lot of kids standing outside.

27 ¿Pretérito o Imperfecto?  There was a fire drill yesterday.  PRETÉRITO  There were a lot of kids standing outside.  IMPERFECTO

28 ¿Pretérito o Imperfecto?  Once upon a time a baby was born.  His name was Josué, he had lots of dark hair, and he smiled all the time.

29 ¿Pretérito o Imperfecto?  Once upon a time a baby was born.  PRETÉRITO  His name was Josué, he had lots of dark hair, and he smiled all the time.  IMPERFECTO

30 ¿Pretérito o Imperfecto?  My grandma was named Elizabeth. She was an artist, she loved her dog, and she watched birds from her deck.  She died in 2006.

31 ¿Pretérito o Imperfecto?  My grandma was named Elizabeth. She was an artist, she loved her dog, and she watched birds from her deck.  IMPERFECTO  She died in 2006.  PRETÉRITO

32 ¿Pretérito o Imperfecto?  Once upon a time there was a princess named Anna. She loved snow and played with her sister every day.  One day her sister accidentally hit her with a magic spell and Anna froze. Her parents heard the commotion and came to help.

33 ¿Pretérito o Imperfecto?  Once upon a time there was a princess named Anna. She loved snow and played with her sister every day.  IMPERFECTO  One day her sister accidentally hit her with a magic spell and Anna froze. Her parents heard the commotion and came to help.  PRETÉRITO

34 ¿Pretérito o Imperfecto?  This morning I work up, brushed my teeth, showered, and went to work.  This morning I was so grumpy. My head hurt and I was so tired and I just wanted to stay in bed.

35 ¿Pretérito o Imperfecto?  This morning I work up, brushed my teeth, showered, and went to work.  PRETÉRITO  This morning I was so grumpy. My head hurt and I was so tired and I just wanted to stay in bed.  IMPERFECTO

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