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Supporting NHS Wales to Deliver World Class Healthcare Intermediate Care in Context: Why we are here today Chris Hill and Lynda Chandler.

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Presentation on theme: "Supporting NHS Wales to Deliver World Class Healthcare Intermediate Care in Context: Why we are here today Chris Hill and Lynda Chandler."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supporting NHS Wales to Deliver World Class Healthcare Intermediate Care in Context: Why we are here today Chris Hill and Lynda Chandler

2 Harry’s Story

3 Harry’s story: the alternative version Assessment A comprehensive unified assessment could have identified Harry’s holistic needs. Diagnostics Local arrangements/hot clinics could have provided rapid assess to pathology, radiology and endoscopy

4 Harry’s story: the alternative version Treatment options Admission for blood transfusion but early discharge to community support (rehab/reablement/social care package/step down). Follow up options Could include any combination of primary care, social care, telecare, supported housing, secondary care review.

5 Missed opportunities for admission avoidance/early discharge Ambulance decision to admit because no safe alternative MAU assessment – a turning point? Admission – early identification of health and social care needs. Clear risk assessment & management Community In reach teams Secondary/Primary care communications Early liaison, communication and discharge planning

6 Context for Today “ I have confidence to go outdoors again, I can get back onto public transport and meet my friends.” “I am much better now, I can lead a normal life again.”

7 Policy Backing? NSF Older People in Wales Strategy for Older people in Wales Designed for Life Fundamentals of Care Creating a Unified and Fair System for Assessing and Managing Care WHC (2002)128 IC Guidance Fulfilled Lives; Supportive Communities Designed to Improve Health and the Management of Chronic Conditions in Wales Fundamentals of Care To name but a few!

8 Threat or Opportunity? Potential from today and the SPICE programme to demonstrate: Effective Intermediate Care makes a real difference to individuals Properly planned community based services can effectively meet the continuum of care needs Return on Investment can be achieved

9 How can we do it? Participating in the SPICE programme Working together as a network to: - raise the profile of IC - develop an evidence base of what works in Wales and why - use an integrated approach to problem solving

10 “ You can’t wait for inspiration, you have to go after it with a club” Jack London

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