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Structured Container Delivery Oscar Renalias Accenture Container Lead (NOTE: PASTE IN PORTRAIT AND SEND BEHIND FOREGROUND GRAPHIC FOR CROP)

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Presentation on theme: "Structured Container Delivery Oscar Renalias Accenture Container Lead (NOTE: PASTE IN PORTRAIT AND SEND BEHIND FOREGROUND GRAPHIC FOR CROP)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Structured Container Delivery Oscar Renalias Accenture Container Lead (NOTE: PASTE IN PORTRAIT AND SEND BEHIND FOREGROUND GRAPHIC FOR CROP)

2 @oscarrenalias


4 Container Benefits Infrastructure Efficiency DevOps Architecture Virtualization/ Cloud savings Hardware savings Flexible platforms Predictability Flexible application environments Efficiency Alignment with modern architectures Developer Productivity Reduce/eliminate virtualization licenses for workloads to be containerized Reduce number of hardware blades/servers/cloud instances Faster container startup times means instances can be turned off when not used, or dynamically scaled according to demand Minimize environment and configuration defects in new environment setup by packaging all components and dependencies in containers Provision an arbitrary number of application environments easily, when needed, and destroy them when done Minimize human effort / involvement with deploying code to new environments Containers are a great runtime platforms for modern scalable and high performance application architectures, e.g. microservices Greatly reduce the amount of time needed for a developer to create a working application environment locally $$$ $ $$ $$$ Benefit Type

5 So you want to run containers? Container Platform Old stuffNew stuff

6 Container Reference Architecture PrinciplesPatternsCapabilities Reference Implementations

7 Understanding how to design for, and with containers Business Continuity Operations Agility Prepare for Failure Fit for Purpose Adaptability and Flexibility Infrastructure Independence Information Security Leverage service discovery for inter/external service lookup Use standard protocols to interact with interfaces Use standardized and best- practice components Reuse services offered by platform and extend components if necessary Data Integrity Communications Prefer container image digital-signing Use isolated networking between containers, regardless of their location Prefer lightweight infrastructure components Use container clustering and/or other HA practices Use external persistence data sources for container data Leverage DevOps practices for container image build and deployment L1 Principles L2 Decisions Leverage dynamic routing capabilities Monitor container infrastructure components Limit container access Use private or secure hosted image registry Container as the build artifact Immutable infrastructure, deploy by replacing old containers with new ones Make sure that logs aren't retained only in containers Version container images in repository Encourage reuse of container definitions Data and process must be encapsulated

8 How do we do with containers?

9 What should the platform do?

10 Example: Component Reference Architecture for Docker Datacenter on AWS Infrastructure Runtime Services Administration Container OS Orchestration Resource Management Service Discovery Data Access Browser Containers Data Metrics DevOps CloudWatch Networking Overlay NetworkFlocker Docker Amazon Linux Docker Compose Universal Control Plane Overlay DNS (intra- cluster) EC2 Storage Registry Docker Trusted Registry Docker Volumes Storage EBS Service Discovery Interlock Engine Host OS Container Tooling Image build/ Deployment Docker Trusted Registry Monitoring CloudWatch Logging CloudWatch Logs Image build/ Deployment Jenkins CI

11 How about the old stuff? Container Platform Old stuffNew stuff

12 Efficiently migrating applications to containers

13 Central Internal TeamProject-based migrationMigration factory Centralized team working in concert with project teams to coordinate and migrate projects to the new platform Leverage existing project team group to orchestrate and execute migration effort +Fast, efficient deployment +Shared team provides economies of scale and knowledge sharing +Optimized resource model +Focused on migration delivery and managed to avoid cost overruns -Increased number of resources -Limited cross-team knowledge sharing -Lengthier migration -Inconsistent migrations -Team has other priorities -Limited or non-existent container skills -Limited migration skills Migration conducted by an internal team, staffed by current IT resources

14 Migration Factory Docker Migration Team Migration Framework Container Patterns Container Best Practices Base Images Container Reference Architecture Legacy Application Repeatable, industrialized Low risk Cost-efficient

15 Migration & Rollout Discovery & Assessment High-Level Assessment & Planning Detailed Application Assessment Detailed Application Assessment Testing & Certification Establish Overall Migration Plan Perform Detailed Migration Planning Upgrade/Migrate Applications App. Architecture Recommendations App. Architecture Recommendations Certify/Deploy Applications Container Infrastructure Planning Rollout & Decom- mission Containerize Application

16 Thank you!

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