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Hyndburn District Children’s Trust Education Performance Data Paul Dyson-Knight Nick Broome (Secondary Adviser)(Primary Adviser) May 2011.

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1 Hyndburn District Children’s Trust Education Performance Data Paul Dyson-Knight Nick Broome (Secondary Adviser)(Primary Adviser) May 2011

2 End of Foundation Stage 2010 (4/5 year olds) A key indicator at this key stage is percentage of pupils attaining 6+ points across all CLL/ PSED aspects of EYFSP. Overall attainment in Hyndburn was below Lancashire average by 8.3%. Girls outperformed boys; girls overall attainment was above the Lancashire average whilst the gap for boys was 18.6%. White British pupils attained broadly in line with the Lancashire average. The gap for Pakistani heritage pupils was 29.8% - though only 2.5% when compared with Pakistani heritage pupils across Lancashire. Trends Overall attainment rose for White British pupils and the gap narrowed to less than 1% when compared to 2009. Attainment for Pakistani heritage pupils rose from 2009 and the gap narrowed by 1.4%. Boys’ attainment fell in comparison with 2009 and the gap increased by 3.6%

3 End of Key Stage 1 (5-7) – 2010 A key indicator at this key stage is the number of pupils attaining level 2 and above Overall, attainment in Hyndburn was below the Lancashire average in mathematics and particularly in reading and writing. Girls outperformed boys in every subject; girls attained broadly in line with the Lancashire averages. The gap for boys was smallest in mathematics and biggest in reading. White British pupils attained broadly in line with Lancashire averages in reading, writing and mathematics. Pakistani heritage pupils attained well below Lancashire averages in all subjects (particularly in writing) but the gap had narrowed from FS. Trends Attainment in both reading and writing fell in comparison with 2009 and the overall gap increased – particularly for boys. Fall in attainment (from 2009) was greater for Pakistani heritage pupils.

4 End of Key Stage 2 (7-11) – 2010 A key indicator at this key stage is the number of pupils attaining level 4 and above Attainment in Hyndburn remained below the Lancashire average in mathematics and English – though gap has continued to narrow from KS1. Girls again outperformed boys in English and science; results were broadly in line in mathematics. The gap for boys was smallest in mathematics and science. White British pupils attained broadly in line with Lancashire averages in English, mathematics and science. Pakistani heritage pupils attained well below Lancashire averages in all subjects (particularly in English) but the gap had again narrowed from KS1, especially in mathematics. Gap remains greatest in English. Trends Attainment rose in comparison with 2009 in both English and mathematics; the gap decreased. Rise in attainment (from 2009) was greatest for Pakistani heritage pupils in all subjects.

5 Key Stage 3 (ages 11 – 14) In 2010, slightly fewer pupils reached the expected level in English than the county average, slightly more in Maths and fewer in Science Strong improving trend in all 3 subjects (well above county rise) Girls outperform boys significantly in English and also now in Maths and Science (boys improving, but more slowly) Fewer pupils made expected progress in English than the county average, but more did so in Maths. Slightly fewer Pakistani heritage pupils reached the expected level in English than the county average for this group, equalled the average in Maths, fewer in Science (gaps reducing) Similar pattern for White British pupils, but more met the expectation and the proportion is improving more rapidly

6 Key Stage 4 (ages 14 – 16) In 2010, a similar proportion of pupils gained 5+A%C grades to county average, slightly fewer including English & Maths Strong improving trend in both (5AC below, 5EM above Lancs) Girls outperform boys (particularly making expected progress in English), but boys are catching up More Pakistani heritage pupils gained 5AC than the county average for this group, slightly fewer for 5EM (gap reducing) Similar pattern for White British pupils, but more met the expectation The proportion of WhBr pupils is improving more rapidly at 5AC but PaHe pupils more rapidly at 5EM

7 Key Stage 4 Contextual Analysis (comparing similar pupils in similar schools nationally)

8 Key Messages from the Data Fewer pupils in Hyndburn start school with expected levels of attainment than in other parts of Lancashire During their time in school, pupils in Hyndburn catch up, performing largely in line with county averages and making progress that is at least as good as similar pupils elsewhere nationally (and in most cases significantly better progress) Attainment in English appears to offer room for improvement, particularly at the earliest stages in education – particularly for the least able, for boys and for pupils of Pakistani heritage Fewer boys and fewer pupils of Pakistani heritage tend to reach expected levels than their peers (which reflects county and national patterns)

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