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Direct Object Pronouns Unidad 4 Desafío 2. Direct Object Pronouns A direct object answers who or what after a verb. Comprendo la pregunta. I understand.

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Presentation on theme: "Direct Object Pronouns Unidad 4 Desafío 2. Direct Object Pronouns A direct object answers who or what after a verb. Comprendo la pregunta. I understand."— Presentation transcript:

1 Direct Object Pronouns Unidad 4 Desafío 2

2 Direct Object Pronouns A direct object answers who or what after a verb. Comprendo la pregunta. I understand what?... the question

3 Direct Object Pronouns To avoid repeating a direct object, we often replace it with “it”. Do you understand the question? Yes, I understand it.

4 Direct Object Pronouns Spanish works the same way. The direct object pronouns are:

5 Lo Him, it, you (m.s.) La Her, it, you (f.s.) Los Them, you (m.p.) Las Them, you (f.p.)

6 Direct Object Pronouns Direct object pronouns can refer to people or things. They agree in gender and number with the nouns they replace.

7 Direct Object Pronouns Lo replaces a masculine singular noun. La replaces a feminine singular noun.

8 Direct Object Pronouns Los replaces a masculine plural noun. Las replaces a feminine plural noun.

9 For example If Tomás were to be referred to as him, lo would be the pronoun we would use. Tomás = masculine singular Masculine singular direct object pronoun = lo

10 For example If shoes were to be referred to as them, we would choose los. Zapatos = Masculine plural Los = Masculine plural pronoun

11 Direct Object Pronouns A direct object pronoun is placed just before the main conjugated verb. ¿Lees el libro? Sí lo leo.

12 If there is an infinitive verb, the pronoun can also be attached to the infinitive ending. ¿Puedes lavar los platos? Sí, puedo lavarlos. Sí, los puedo lavar.

13 When the pronoun replaces both a masculine and feminine direct object noun, los is used. ¿Compras el vestido y las dos faldas? Sí, los compro.

14 When the direct object refers to people or pets, it is preceded by the “personal a.” Yo quiero a mi madre. Yo la quiero. Marta pasea a su perro. Marta lo pasea.

15 Practice Translate: Do you want my poster? Yes I want it. Thank you

16 Answer: ¿Quieres mi cartel? Sí, lo quiero. Gracias. Practice

17 Translate: Do you see Tess and Patricia? No, I don’t see them. Practice

18 Answer: ¿Ves a Tess y a Patricia? No, no las veo. Practice

19 Translate: Escribo la tarea. Yo no la escribo. Es muy difícil. Practice

20 Translate: Escribo la tarea. I write the homework. Practice

21 Translate: Yo no la escribo. Es muy difícil. I don’t write it. It is very difficult. Practice

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