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Aerogel is the lightest solid ever known with incredible properties that have a wide range of applications. Aerogel is the lightest solid ever known.

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Presentation on theme: "Aerogel is the lightest solid ever known with incredible properties that have a wide range of applications. Aerogel is the lightest solid ever known."— Presentation transcript:



3 Aerogel is the lightest solid ever known with incredible properties that have a wide range of applications. Aerogel is the lightest solid ever known with incredible properties that have a wide range of applications. Aerogel is a solid with the lowest density of any solid on the earth, only three times as dense as air (aerogel density≈0.095g/cm³). It is highly porous and also known as “frozen smoke”. It is highly porous and also known as “frozen smoke”.

4 Aerogel was first created by Samuel Stephen Kistler in 1931. They are nanoporous structure of solids produced by super critical drying of parent solid material which provides properties such as thermal insulation, making it extremely competitive for constructions.


6 A Aerogels are good thermal insulators because they almost nullify two of the three methods of heat transfer.(conduction, convection, radiation) Due to Rayleigh scattering of shorter wavelength of visible light by nanosized dendrite, i it appears smoky blue against dark backgrounds Hence its helpful in the application in decorating construction structures and thus increasing the appearance


8 Thermal insulations: home buildings, vehicles, pipe lines packaging Architecture: illumination, super light concrete, super light bricks, wall isolation by thermal insulation, windows glazing



11 Aerogel glazing for windows

12 Aerogel insulated windows characterisitics



15 AEROGEL INSULATION IN RESIDENTIAL HOUSES Thermablok aerogel insulating strips may be installed to the stud either on the exterior or interior side of the wall framing. Insulate the full length of framing members. Apply to all wall, floor or ceiling framing edges: headers, footers, trusses, window and door frames, floor joist and roof rafters. Thirty-five percent of home heating costs are the result of energy loss through the exterior walls because of thermal bridging. Thermablok Eliminates Thermal Bridging.

16 Benefits of Thermablok Aerogel Insulation * Significant savings in energy costs. * 100% recyclable. * Contains no ozone-depleting substances. * Cradle to Cradle Silver Certification. * Uses 30-percent recycled content. * Composite material consisting of more than 95-percent air.

17 * Naturally hydrophobic, unaffected by moisture, mold, or water. *Easily applied via stick-on backing. * Class "A" fire rated. * Economical. * Virtually no weight means low shipping cost (and low emission). * Adds acoustical integrity. *Unaffected by age as it does not react with moisture in the atmosphere.

18 Thermal BridgingIt is a fundamental of hhhh eeee aaaa tttt t t t t rrrr aaaa nnnn ssss ffff eeee rrrr where a penetration of the insulation layer by a highly conductive or noninsulating material takes place in the separation between the interior (or conditioned space) and exterior environments of a building assembly (also known as the building enclosure, bbbb uuuu iiii llll dddd iiii nnnn gggg eeee nnnn vvvv eeee llll oooo pppp eeee, or thermal envelope).


20 Aerogel Illuminated structure


22 The performances from the applications mentioned above demonstrates that aerogel is such a material and by using it even if the initial costs are over the costs of other traditional materials. amazing results may be obtained in realizing of the primordial objective of lasting development the passive house.

23 Thank you

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