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A flavour of INFN structure and projects

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2 A flavour of INFN structure and projects

3 INFN coordinates the theoretical and experimental searches about the fundamental forces of nature Operates in strict contact with the Universities Technological R&D in conjunction with industries

4 « Enrico Fermi’s School » Left to right: Oscar D'Agostino, Emilio Segrè, Edoardo Amaldi, Franco Rasetti, Enrico Fermi First ideas date back to 1930 (E. Fermi, B. Rossi) 1951: INFN (Edoardo Amaldi) 1957: First National Laboratory Frascati (Rome)

5 The origins 1957 First LAB: LNF (Frascati) 1959 Electro-Syncrotron Frascati Electro-Syncrortron 1959-1975 1951: INFN was formed by groups of Roma, Padova, Torino, Milano 1956: BOLOGNA and PISA

6 INFN today Annual budget: 270 Million of Euros 2500 scientific papers per year 1

7 Employement (2012) Researchers (33%) Engineers (12%) Technicians (38%) Administration (17%) Permanent positions + 273 non-permanent 83 % - Physicists, Engineers & Technicians

8 People (2012) Permanent+non permanent ~ 2000 Associated ~ 3700 Employees and Associated STUDENTS 205 Master students 567 Ph.D. Students 333 Fellowships 205 567 333

9 INFN-Bologna 104 employees (88% physicists, engineers & technicians) 200 associates from the University and other research organizations Yearly budget ~ 5 M euros 8 services Direction Administration Electronic Laboratory Mechanical design Mechanical workshop Computing and networking Technical service / support to experiments Safety

10 INFN Research Sectors 5 National Scientific Committees Comm.DescriptionBOLOGNA % Experimental 1Accelerator based particle physics49% 2Astro-particle, fundamental physics17% 3Nuclear physics20% 5Applied and cross disciplinary physics, tecnological R&D14% 4Theoretical physics

11 INFN activities Detectors R&D Medical applications BESIII HEP and nuclear around the world... DAFNE-Light Gravitational waves Space physics Space physics Neutrino physics Neutrino physics Technologi c Transfer

12 Experiments at CERN

13 The big experiments at CERN

14 1400 m of rocks 3 experimetal halls 18.000 m 2 surface >10 international experiments Gran Sasso National Laboratory

15 AMS-02

16 Applications to art and ancient documents Chemical composition and datation

17 Hadron-therapy: frontier in cancer treatment INFN -Laboratori Nazionali del Sud, Catania Pavia

18 PhD school  Astroparticle physics  Mathematics  Computer Science  Urban Studies  Free housing  Standard three years PhD grant GSSI

19 Other opportunities with INFN  PhD  Can apply to any Italian University  Several have an agreement with INFN that pays the 3-years fellowship  3 fellowships/year in Bologna granted by INFN  Gross salary: 16160 euros/year  “Assegno di Ricerca”  Post-doc fellowship  Can be granted by INFN or INFN+University, INFN+other institution  Gross salary ~ 23-28000 euros/year  Can be combined with a special INFN-CERN fellowship (1-2 years)  Experimental and Theoretical post-doc fellowships reserved to foreign students  Gross yr salary: 40000 euros  PhD degree ≤ 8 years old (up to 12.5 accounting for maternity, paternity, illness, national service etc.)  Travel tickets provided by INFN at beginning/end

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