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Creating Databases Example using Google Maps API + file creation. Dollar sign problem. Classwork/Homework: [catch up]. Work on final project.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating Databases Example using Google Maps API + file creation. Dollar sign problem. Classwork/Homework: [catch up]. Work on final project."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating Databases Example using Google Maps API + file creation. Dollar sign problem. Classwork/Homework: [catch up]. Work on final project

2 Google Maps example Challenge: create list of positions defining polygon(s) for a quiz (or something else) Solution: – Create.html and.php pair of scripts to create file – Create drawing program using the file created. Recreates inserting name of file Note: student's project will still need work on file, namely combining multiple files into one.

3 Scripts eyer/createFileOfLocations.html eyer/createFileOfLocations.html This creates a file with the name specified by the user. The following file has a file name hard coded in it: eyer/drawpolygon2.html eyer/drawpolygon2.html

4 About the html file Mouse clicks on map add to an array A form invokes a client side function "sendit()" using onsubmit and then the server side writeoutlatlongs.php using action The form also requests a name for the file.

5 Html script var map; var redx = "rx1.png"; function init() { blatlng = new google.maps.LatLng(41.04966,-73.70361); myOptions = { zoom: 17, center: blatlng, mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.SATELLITE }; map = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById("place"), myOptions); listener = google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'click', function(event) { checkit(event.latLng);}); }

6 Html script, cont. var elements = []; var markersArray = []; function sendit() { var data = elements.join(':'); //alert("in sendit, data is "+data); document.f.positions.value = data; return false; } function checkit(clatlng) { lastmarker = clatlng; marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position: clatlng, icon: redx, map: map }); markersArray.push(marker); pos = "["+String(", "+String(clatlng.lng())+"]"; elements.push(pos); //alert("position is "+pos+" and number of elements is "+elements.length); }

7 Html script, cont.: body Mark polygon When done inserting points, accept or enter name of area to be used as file name and click on Done. Your name for the polygon

8 php script <?php $newname = $_GET['subject']; $positions = $_GET['positions']; $filen ="uploads/". $newname. ".js" ; $open = fopen($filen,"w"); print (" Saving positions in $filen "); //explode into array $positions = explode(":",$positions); //now write out each pair as line in file $open = fopen($filen,"w");

9 php script, cont. if ($open) { fwrite($open,"var positions = [ \n"); for($i=0;$i<count($positions)-1;$i++) { fwrite($open,$positions[$i].",\n"); } fwrite($open,$positions[$i]."\n "); // omit comma after last element fwrite($open,"]; \n"); fclose($open); } else { print (" Unable to write updated file. "); } ?>

10 myplace.js var positions = [ [41.04975269410072, -73.70332717895508], [41.050230063741964, -73.70357394218445], [41.05012488089815, -73.70411038398743], [41.04962323732983, -73.70400309562683], [41.04946141600802, -73.70352029800415] ];

11 Draw script You can view source. on2.html on2.html Makes use of Google Maps API google.maps.Polygon and google.maps.Infowindow Robust system could include facility for editing positions.

12 What if… CTS assigned you a password with a dollar sign in it. Two solutions (say password was abc$def – Use single quotes: $password = ‘abc$def’ – Escape character: $password = “abc\$def’ Can use this in other situations. eyer/dollartest.php eyer/dollartest.php

13 <?php $stringWdollar = 'abc$def'; print ("string with single quotes ".$stringWdollar); print(" "); $stringWdollarescaped = "abc\$def"; print ("string with dollar sign escaped ".$stringWdollarescaped); print (" "); $stringWdollarescapedsinglequotes = 'abc\$def'; print ("string with dollar sign escaped, single quotes ".$stringWdollarescapedsinglequotes); print (" "); $stringWdollarplain = "abc$def"; print ("string with dollar, double quotes ".$stringWdollarplain); ?>

14 Classwork/homework [Catch up with postings, showing work.] [Evaluation surveys.] Prepare to show something on final project.

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