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IFLA section LPD introduction to an international library perspective.

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Presentation on theme: "IFLA section LPD introduction to an international library perspective."— Presentation transcript:

1 IFLA section LPD introduction to an international library perspective

2 What is IFLA? IFLA (1927) is the leading international body representing the interests of library and information services and their users. It is the global voice of the library and information profession. Federation with 1500 Members in approximately 150 countries around the world. HQ in the Netherlands IFLA is associate member of UNESCO, and has observer status at UN, WIPO and ISO 43 sections grouped in 5 divisions Annual conference (WLIC) with many satellites

3 Lyon Declaration Influencing the post-Millennium Development Goals that sets the UN agenda for development during the period 2016-2030. IFLA calls upon the Member States of the United Nations to use the post-2015 development agenda to ensure that everyone has access to, and is able to understand, use and share the information that is necessary to promote sustainable development and democratic societies. 512 signatories. Good examples are needed!

4 Libraries serving Persons with Print Disabilities (LPD) (Section 31 of IFLA)

5 LPD’s Mission To advocate for library services that are equitable and accessible for persons with a print disability.



8 LPD’s Current Activities Work with IFLA (Copyright Committee) to implement Marrakech Treaty Promote and help implement library systems for international sharing of titles Implement and translate Library Service Guidelines for Persons with dyslexia (with LSN) To help to improve our services by sharing and benchmarking (performance measure tool) Organizing satellites every 2 nd year Disseminating our work/practices at WLIC

9 MARRAKESH TREATY TEDx talk by Maryanne Diamond

10 TIGAR Service International sharing of accessible books LPD ABC

11 Guidelines Library Service to Persons with Dyslexia LPD LSN

12 Satellites Proceedings and Pictures 2009: P3 conference: Mechelen / Malin, Belgium 2010: With the Right to Read; Oslo, Norway 2011: Let’s Read: Reading and Print Disabilities in Young People; Tallinn, Estonia 2013: eBooks for everyone! An opportunity for more inclusive libraries; Paris, France 2016: (to be confirmed) in connection with Columbus IFLA conference

13 Standing Committee Proceedings and Pictures

14 WLIC Proceedings and Pictures 2009: Milan 2010: Gotenburg 2011: Puerto Rico 2012: Helsinki 2013: Singapore 2014: Lyon

15 To Sum Up LPD is an active group of skilled and dedicated librarians/information workers We share and cooperate during meetings and conferences We initiate projects We endorse and facilitate an international community and community (ABC) You can let your voice be amplified and heard We communicate by website, Facebook, newsletter and email-list We are seeking new members

16 LPD has 58 members from 36 countries



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