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Microprocessors I 8051 Addressing Modes CS-00871 Prof. Msc. Ivan A. Escobar

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1 Microprocessors I 8051 Addressing Modes CS-00871 Prof. Msc. Ivan A. Escobar

2 Introduction Assembly language is machine dependant. Each family of microprocessors or microncontrollers has its own instruction set. Each instruction has an 8 bit op-code with an associated mnemonic. Some instructions have one or two additional bytes for operand (data or addresses).

3 Data Transfer Instructions Data is stored at the source address and moved (copied) to a destination address. The way these addresses are specified are determined by the addressing mode. There are 28 different instructions for data transfer, which can be categorized into three types: – MOV, – Push or Pop – XCH,

4 Addressing Modes When operating with data, where does it reside? – As part of the instruction? – In a register? – In general memory? – In external memory? The 8051 has numerous modes of addressing data.

5 Available Modes Immediate Register Direct Indirect Relative Absolute Long Indexed

6 Immediate Addressing The data is numeric constant in the operand. Indicated by a # sign. MOV A, #34h Moves the value of 34 hex into the Acc. 2 byte instruction: – Opcode | Data Useful for getting constants into registers

7 Immediate Addressing – The immediate value is a maximum of 8-bits. One exception, when dealing with the DPTR register it can be 16-bits. MOVDPTR, #2000H; Load the value 2000H into the DPTR register MOVR0, #0F0H; Load R0 with the value F0H

8 Register Addressing Direct access to eight registers – R0 through R7. MOVA, R0 MOVR1, A ADDA, R1 Not all combinations are valid. – MOVR2, R1; Invalid

9 Register Addressing There are 4 banks of registers accessible through register addressing. – Only one bank can be accessed at a time controllable through bit RS0 and RS1 of the PSW MOVPSW, #00011000B Set RS0:RS1 to 11, therefore, accessing register bank 3.

10 Register Addressing The register is part of the Op-code. Allows for a 1 byte instruction. – Op-code uses 3 bits for Rn – MOV A, R3 – Moves the contents of R3 into the Acc.

11 Direct Addressing Access any on-chip RAM location General purpose registers. Control registers. May be addressed by location or name – MOV E0h, #33h Moves the hex value of 33 into memory location E0h. – MOV P0, #85h Moves the hex value 85 into P0 register port. 2 byte instruction + possible data – Opcode | Direct Address | Data

12 Direct Addressing – All on-chip memory locations and registers have 8-bit addresses. – Can use the 8-bit address in the instruction. MOVA, 4H; A  mem[04H] – Or can use the register name. MOVA, R4 – Don’t get confused with Immediate mode. No “#” sign.

13 Indirect Addressing R0 or R1 hold the location of the internal RAM location. Indicated by the @ sign. MOV A, @R1 Moves the contents of the memory address indicated by R1 to the Acc. Example: If R1 contains 23h, the contents of address 23h will be moved to the Acc. One byte instruction: – Opcode using 1 bit for R0 or R1.

14 Indirect Addressing Example: MOVR1, #40H; Make R1 point to location 40 MOVA, @R1; Move the contents of 40H to A MOV@R0, R1; Move contents of R1 into the memory location pointed to by R0.

15 Indirect Addressing Can also be used for accessing external memory: – Can use R0 and R1 to point to external memory locations 00H to FFH. MOVX A, @R1; Move contents of external memory location whose address is in R1 into A – Can also use DPTR to point to all 64k of external memory. MOVX A, @DPTR

16 Relative Addressing Used with certain jumps. A jump is made from current address to a +127 or -128 memory location. SJMP #20h – PC = PC + 20 (jump ahead 20 addresses). 2 Byte instruction: – Opcode | Relative offset

17 Absolute Addressing Used with ACALL (Absolute call) and AJMP (Absolute Jump). Allows a call within a 2K page of memory. The op-code contains 3 of the 11 bits of the address, the operand contains lower 8 bits. 2 bytes instruction: – 3 bits+op-code | lower 8-bit address. The address being called must be with the same 2K page.

18 Long Addressing Used with LCALL (Long Call) and LJMP (Long Jump) instructions. Allows jumping to any 16-bit address. 3 bytes instruction: – Opcode | High order | Low order

19 Indexed Addressing Use a register for storing a pointer to memory and another register for storing an offset. – The effective address is the sum of the two: EA = Pointer + Offset MOVC A, @A+DPTR; Move byte from memory located at DPTR+A to A.

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