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Test is Tomorrow – This is a huge test for your 9 weeks grade, BE READY!!

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Presentation on theme: "Test is Tomorrow – This is a huge test for your 9 weeks grade, BE READY!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Test is Tomorrow – This is a huge test for your 9 weeks grade, BE READY!!

2 The Etruscans

3 The Italian Peninsula

4 Tribunes

5 Coliseum Circus Maximus

6 Romulus

7 Sicily

8 It made trade easier

9 It became unstable

10 The Latins

11 Julius Caesar

12 consuls

13 Augustus

14 Edict of Milan

15 False

16 A period of “Roman Peace”

17 Christianity

18 No

19 Language – Greek was the language of Byzantium, Latin of Rome

20 Roman

21 Diaspora

22 aqueduct

23 patricians

24 Social Political Economic Military

25 Rome was looted by the Visigoths, the Huns, and other Vandal groups

26 The Tiber

27 Mediterranean Sea

28 The Forum

29 Hannibal

30 Plumbing Alphabet/language Concrete Architecture Roads Aqueducts Law Bridges Calendars

31 Julius Caesar Pompey Crassus

32 Greeks

33 Marc Antony

34 No… only senators could vote.

35 Paul

36 Diocletian

37 mercenaries

38 Roman roads Common language Bad times, economically and socially, people needed hope

39 Atilla

40 1. Language – Roman Catholic in Latin, Orthodox in Greek or local languages 2. Leaders – Roman Catholic by the Pope, Orthodox by the Patriarchs 3. Priests – Roman Catholic could not marry, Orthodox could

41 legion

42 Republic


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