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Using the Internet for citizen engagement Using the Internet for citizen engagement 1. about the Internet 2. choosing an online engagement strategy 3.

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Presentation on theme: "Using the Internet for citizen engagement Using the Internet for citizen engagement 1. about the Internet 2. choosing an online engagement strategy 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 using the Internet for citizen engagement Using the Internet for citizen engagement 1. about the Internet 2. choosing an online engagement strategy 3. how would you use the Internet?

2 using the Internet for citizen engagement Internet affects… 1. standards of accountability and transparency 2. levels of social capital 3. options for increasing transparency and social capital

3 using the Internet for citizen engagement Internet characteristics 1. from one-to-many to many-to-many 2. synchronous and asynchronous communication 3. geography blind 4. decentralized

4 using the Internet for citizen engagement Advantages of Internet engagement 1. space: easy to consult a dispersed population 2. scope: easy to consult large population 3. scale: adaptable to multiple forms and degrees of input 4. savings: both time and money

5 using the Internet for citizen engagement Process 1. Prioritize goals: legitimation vs social capital 2. Specify mandate: information to decision-making 3. Identify success factors 4. Choose method(s)

6 using the Internet for citizen engagement Goals Legitimation response to (implicit or explicit) pressure accountability, transparency Social capital bonding: homogenous groups bridging: heterogenous groups

7 using the Internet for citizen engagement Mandate The legitimation spectrum: information dissemination ratification idea gathering deliberation problem-solving decision-making

8 using the Internet for citizen engagement Success factors: legitimation high public interest information broadly available low social consensus broad set of stakeholders high risk tolerance or low potential for risk avoidance limited resources

9 using the Internet for citizen engagement Success factors: social capital prior engagement experience small number of stakeholders extensive resources complex issues potential for social consensus low risk tolerance

10 using the Internet for citizen engagement social capital zone information ratification idea gathering deliberation problem-solving decision-making many few one Goals & Mandate online referenda town halls policy networks policy portals solicited feedback delib. polling citizen juries

11 using the Internet for citizen engagement 1. Ask which questions? 2. Legitimate which answers? 3. Reach which stakeholders? 4. Foster bridging or bonding social capital, among which participants? I would use the Internet to….

12 using the Internet for citizen engagement Alexandra Samuel http:// Thank you

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