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Class Introduction IST 210: Organization of Data IST2101.

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Presentation on theme: "Class Introduction IST 210: Organization of Data IST2101."— Presentation transcript:

1 Class Introduction IST 210: Organization of Data IST2101

2 Course Homepage Log into your ANGEL You will see all course information on wikispace IST2102

3 Why Should I Take This Course? IST2103

4 Why Should You Take This Course? It is required! –Pre-requisite for other advanced courses Why did IST make this course required? –Importance in organizing data, information, and knowledge IST2104

5 Organization of the Data is Important Have you ever thought about how the data is organized behind these websites? –IMDB: –Online shopping: –Facebook: profile, wall posts, comments, photos, tags… Huge amount of data need to be well organized: we need a database to efficiently and accurately modify and query the data –UPS TechnologyUPS Technology IST2105

6 What Will I Learn From This Class? IST2106

7 What is This Course About? Database –An effective and efficient way to organize data Key issues that will be covered in this course –How to design a database? E-R Diagram, Database –How to query a database? SQL –How to build a website connecting with database? HTML, PHP, web server… Examples of course projects in previous classes – gxwj-OxA/videos gxwj-OxA/videos IST2107

8 How Can I Get an A? Class –Lecture, discussion, project –Attendance check: 5% in final grading. If you are not able to attend class with reasonable excuse, instructor or TA should be notified before class –Class rule: Computers will be taken control during lecture time After class –5 assignments, 5 group reports, ~5 programming assignments –Project will be carried as a team (4 persons) IST2108

9 Coding in Fun IST2109

10 Textbook Textbook: Database Concepts by Kroenke & Auer/ Pearson, 6 th edition Previous editions are OK IST21010

11 Grading Assignment15% (3%*5) Programming assignment (a.k.a., labs) 5% Exam40% (15% Midterm, 25% Final Exam) Project35% (3%*5 report, 20% final presentation and report) Class Attendance 5% IST21011

12 Grading: Assignment Total 5 assignments: 5%*3 = 15% –Due: one week after an assignment is given –Must submit online through ANGEL before deadline Cut-off time on ANGEL: midnight Strict late submission penalty –Will get penalty even if it is just 1 second late –After the deadline but less than 24 hours: penalized 10% –More than 24 hours but less than 48 hours late: penalized 30% –No submissions are accepted more than 48 hours late –Independent work! Do not exchange your answers with your classmates! Do not search for solutions online! IST21012

13 Grading: Exam Mid-term Exam –15%, Chapter 1-3 Final Exam –25%, all chapters with more focus on Ch.4 and 5 IST21013

14 Grading: Project A web-based database system to demonstrate what you have learnt –Data organization to facilitate Information access Information organization and management –Innovation is strongly encouraged! Group will be assigned based on your technical backgrounds –Complete the survey on ANGEL –Group size: 4 students IST21014

15 Grading: Project (cont.) Group grade –3% for each progress report (total 15%) –10% for the final report –10% for the final presentation Individual adjustment –For each report: 30% is related to individual contribution and involvement. Done your part of work: 15% Participation: 15% IST21015

16 Grading: Project (cont.) Five stage progress reports –Each has a very specific problem related to the project 1.Project description 2.Data modeling 3.Relational model 4.Queries 5.Web connection One final report –Put all progress reports together Make changes based on suggestions from TA and me –Include the final result of your design Screen shots of your service URL pointing to your database Final in-class presentation IST21016

17 Grading: Project (cont.) Database design –Coding is an integral part of the class PHP: PHP Hypertext Preprocessor HTML Templates and examples will be provided –No coding experience Work hard Start early Don’t panic, we will help you IST21017

18 Some Challenges You Will Face … Definitely NOT an easy-A class! Programming –HTML, PHP –Do not worry about grading if zero experience 5% final score Most assignments can be completed in class Programming in projects are done as a team No programming in assignments, midterm exam and final –Bonus points for programming Assignments –Some are time consuming Team project –Team work IST21018

19 Policy Academic Integrity –Individual assignments must be completed independently. Students are strongly encouraged to form study groups and to learn from peer students. However, discussion on homework questions in study group should be limited to general approaches to solutions. Specific answers should never be discussed. Penn State's policy regarding Academic Integrity must be followed. University policy – IST21019

20 Question? 20IST210

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