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Paulo Cardoso, 26.10.2015 Internship progress report Internship: Technology Transfer Facilitator Trainee: Paulo Jorge Magalhães Cardoso Supervisor: Jean-Marie.

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Presentation on theme: "Paulo Cardoso, 26.10.2015 Internship progress report Internship: Technology Transfer Facilitator Trainee: Paulo Jorge Magalhães Cardoso Supervisor: Jean-Marie."— Presentation transcript:

1 Paulo Cardoso, 26.10.2015 Internship progress report Internship: Technology Transfer Facilitator Trainee: Paulo Jorge Magalhães Cardoso Supervisor: Jean-Marie Le Goff (Collaboration Spotting project leader)

2 Paulo Cardoso, 26.10.2015 Introduction Internship activities within KT group HEPTech TIM/Collaboration Spotting Collaboration Spotting Collaboration Spotting - data analysis Other activities and future work Acknowledgments Presentation outline

3 Paulo Cardoso, 26.10.2015 Education: Graduation in Applied Physics Master in Biomedical Engineering PhD in Physics Work experience: Portuguese army officer 2 internships (medical physics, optical fiber sensors) 2 scholarships (nonlinear optics, nanotechnology) Client manager (health, real state) Introduction

4 Paulo Cardoso, 26.10.2015 From Nov/2014 to Mar/2015 Continue to support KT group in 5 TT cases: Relative Humidity LPG FOS High-gradient accelerating structures for proton therapy linacs Collaboration agreement with a FOS company 3D tracking semiconductor detectors Readout circuit for PET-CT apparatus Support KT group in 5 new cases: Low temperature sensor Magnetic field system Silicon photomultipliers NINO and HPTDC chips Internship activities within KT

5 Paulo Cardoso, 26.10.2015 From Nov/2014 to Mar/2015 Performed tasks: Companies’ survey for technologies developed in CERN projects or collaborations Elaboration of templates with information collected from companies and statistics about its geographical localization Elaboration of guideline templates for business contacts with companies (e- mail and phone calls) Elaboration of templates with feedback from contacts with companies Market assessment reports of CERN technologies Contacting companies to transfer CERN technologies Participation on the elaboration of external shipping requests Participation on the follow-up meetings Internship activities within KT

6 Paulo Cardoso, 26.10.2015 HEPTech HEPTech definition and mission: HEPTech is a high energy physics technology transfer network (TTN) Brings together leading European high energy physics research institutions provides HEP related skills, capabilities, technologies and R&D opportunities to academics and industry HEPTech member institutes (24): CEA, CERN, CNRS, CPAN, Demokritos, DESY, ELI-Alps, ELI Beamlines, EPFL, ESS, GSI, IJS, IFIN-HH, INFN, Inovacentrum, KTN, LIP, NTUA, Sofia University, STFC, Technical University of Kosice, University of Belgrade, Weizmann institute, Wigner RCP

7 Paulo Cardoso, 26.10.2015 TIM/Collaboration Spotting Technology and innovation monitor (TIM) Joint project between JRC (Joint Research Centre) and CERN Looking at technology and innovation development publications and patents Future plans to extent to press articles and others:

8 Paulo Cardoso, 26.10.2015 Collaboration Spotting End users of collaboration spotting tool Policy makers TT officers R&D institutions and companies Scientometric community Collaboration spotting tool Technology landscape (technogram) For each technology: - Organization landscape (sociogram) - Subject category landscape (subject categorygram) - Author keyword landscape ( author keywordgram) Objective: Find the applications for each HEP technology displayed in the technogram Find the keyplayers (companies and institutions) for each technology

9 Paulo Cardoso, 26.10.2015 Collaboration Spotting Technogram: Search sources: - Publications: Web of Sciences - Patents: Thomson Innovation 67 technologies (dots/vertices) Edges: common pubs/pats 6 clusters

10 Paulo Cardoso, 26.10.2015 Collaboration Spotting NbTi SC organigram: 418 organizations: - 343 institutions - 75 companies 26 clusters 524 publications NbTi SC subject category landscape: 27 subject categories 524 publications

11 Paulo Cardoso, 26.10.2015 Collaboration Spotting – data analysis NbTi SC author keywordgram: 719 keywords 524 publications Application related author keywords for NbTi SC: Classification of author keywords: -T, T’: NbTi and other SC technologies -A, A’: NbTi and other SC applications, products, projects -O, R: Other and redundant keywords

12 Paulo Cardoso, 26.10.2015 Collaboration Spotting – data analysis Nb3Sn SC author keywordgram: 954 keywords 891 publications Application related author keywords for Nb3Sn SC:

13 Paulo Cardoso, 26.10.2015 Collaboration Spotting – data analysis HTSC author keywordgram: 3096 keywords 2255 publications too many dots/edges Application related author keywords for HTSC:

14 Paulo Cardoso, 26.10.2015 Collaboration Spotting – data analysis Application related author keywords for LTSC (NbTi, Nb3Sn) and HTSC:

15 Paulo Cardoso, 26.10.2015 Conclusions: HTSC is broader than LTSC for SC applications HTSC tends to replace LTSC due mostly to lower operating costs (cooling system, etc.) Collaboration Spotting – data analysis

16 Paulo Cardoso, 26.10.2015 Training courses attended: ASTP-Proton training course (23-25 of September 2015, Leuven, Belgium) Training courses to attend: ASTP-Proton training course (20-22 of January 2016, Lisbon, Portugal) Future work: For the each of the 3 SC technologies (Nbti, Nb3Sn and HTSC) and for each application related author keyword presented: - make the list of all institutions and companies with publications with that specific author keyword - analyze the corresponding sociogram and cross data to find the key players for each technology - develop a method/process to do systematize the data analysis for future automatization Other activities and future work

17 Paulo Cardoso, 26.10.2015 Questions, please? Acknowledgements: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Portugal) KT and Collaboration Spotting supervisors and colleagues (CERN) All my family and friends for the support God, for His presence in my life!

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