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Centre for Technology Innovation Entrepreneurship (CTIE) K.L.E Society’s B.V.Bhoomaraddi college of engineering & technology.

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Presentation on theme: "Centre for Technology Innovation Entrepreneurship (CTIE) K.L.E Society’s B.V.Bhoomaraddi college of engineering & technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Centre for Technology Innovation Entrepreneurship (CTIE) K.L.E Society’s B.V.Bhoomaraddi college of engineering & technology

2 Team Profile Sl. NoNameUSNCell NoEmail

3 CTIE / CAT-CP Project Proposal Document This is a sample format provided by CTIE-CP for project Proposal submission. Presentation should not be more than 10 minutes long and should get the listener excited about the project / business opportunity. When presenting on stage for Power of Ideas, the time limit will be implemented strictly. Each project idea has its own USPs (unique Selling Proposition) and one should highlight those USPs in the presentation. CTIE does not recommend use of one standard format for presentation for all project ideas. At the same time, we believe that the key points mentioned in this are crucial and should be touched upon in any presentation. While we encourage you to present so as to highlight your USPs, you are required to submit a MS PowerPoint file in the same format for judges reference.

4 Project Title:______________________ Problem Statement: (Tell us what problem are you solving with your solution?)

5 NEED for your product How this problem is being solved currently? How you product helps to solve the problem differently? What need of the customers your product satisfies which current products do not?

6 Target customers (Market Segments) Who are the buyers for your products?

7 Market potential How big is this market for your product? (in Rs. Or numbers or any such measures).

8 COMPETITION List your Competitors and their offerings

9 Value Proposition Why should anybody buy your products?

10 How is your solution better than competition’s?

11 Business Model How do you plan to make money with this product?

12 How will you price your product/service?

13 How will you reach out to your consumers/deliver your product to them?

14 Thank You…

15 You need to send the softcopy of this MS PowerPoint Before 26 TH MARCH 2016 Email id is : Contact Number : Ashwin Kulkarni @ 8762835289 Prof Nitin Kulkarni ( Director,CTIE):9880226822

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