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News of the Group Maria J. G. Borge 30th June 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "News of the Group Maria J. G. Borge 30th June 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 News of the Group Maria J. G. Borge 30th June 2015

2 Outline Fellows Associates and students Courses and workshops during 2015 ENSAR 2 EURISOL DF Financial situation of the collaboration Status of the new members 2

3 Fellows, Associates & Students Coordinator: Magda Kowalska / Elisa Rapisarda from 1 st of October 2015 Associates (13 th September)  Haraldur Palle Gunnlaugsson, Feb2015-Jan2016  Giacomo de Angelis, Oct2015-April2016  Olivier Sorlin, Feb2016-August2016 Corresponding Associates (13 th September)  Janne Pakarinen, July-Dec 2015  Ismael Martel, Sept-Nov 2015 Fellows: (2 th of September 2015) Stephan Ettenbauer (June 2014 – Jan 2017, COLLAPS, Polarisation beams) Kara Lynch (Jan 2015 – Dec 2017) Miguel Madurga ( June 2014 – May 2016) (Nuclear structure) Akira Miyazaki (June 2014- May 2016, SC cavities) Torben E. Molholt (Feb 2015 – Jan2017) (Applied Sciences) Doctoral student: Doctoral Student CERN for IDS: Razvan Lica (Sep2014 – August 2017) Doctoral Program with Greece for life sciences (50% GR, 33% CERN,13% Madga’s ERC ) – Stavroula Pallada (March 2014 - Feb 2017), Biophysics Doctoral Program with Germany – Laura Grob (Jun2014 –May 2017), COLLAPS – Andree Werkens (feb 2015-Jan2018) ISOLTRAP User support: Jennifer Weterings (50% Col + 50% PH)  Indefinite contract with the University of Oslo, signed. 3

4 Courses / Workshops Courses  Separator courses 7 th ‘ 10 th of April 2015  Expected one at the end of the running period. Workshop & conferences EURORIB in Hohenrode (Germany)  Facility Concert: EURISOL-DF presented to Community.  Low attendance  Considering to stop the series. Agree to try once more organise by GANIL Next ISOLDE Workshop: 2-4 December 2015 4

5 ENSAR 2 ENSAR 2 Application submitted 2 nd of September. In the reserved list. Waiting for News.  Mushin Harakeh coordinator  10 Meuros 5  10 TNAs  7 JRAs  8 NAs EC financial contribution request: 10 M€  Transnational Access Activities: 47.5%  Joint Research Activities: 37.2%  Networking Activities: 15.3% GANIL (France)  GSI (Germany)  LNL / LNS (Italy)  JYFL (Finland)  ISOLDE – CERN (Switzerland) 712.000 Euros (10 M)/ 543.380 (ENSAR)  ALTO – CNRS (France)  KVI (The Netherlands)  SLCJ-HIL / IFJ PAN (Poland)  ELI-NP / IFIN-HH (Romania)  ECT* (Italy)

6 EURISOL MoU / EURISOL DF A MoU was created to launch a collaborative effort to continue the development of EURISOL R&D and Cost (Fee 3000 euros/ y) Parties: CERN, GANIL(2011), COPIN (Poland) (2012), BEC (Belgium) 12/7/2014, INFN(2014). Valid 3 years  July 2017. Future new members: Jyvaskyla, ALTO Steering Committee: M.J. G. Borge, M. Lewitowitz (project leader), A. Maj, L. Popescu, Sara Pirrone and A. Bracco (Nuppec Chair, ex-officio member) 6 EURISOL DF is a necessary intermediate and ambitious step for the scientific and technical aspects towards EURISOL. Enter in ESFRI list (3 countries) and obtain funds.  Plan for call 2018 To be defined:  Members: GANIL, ISOLDE, SPES (+ISOL@MYRRHA)  Small scale ISOL facilities: ALTO, Jyvaskyla Legal structure, coordination, responsibilities… CERN?

7 Towards EURISOL-DF WG1 Science and Application: Coordinator R. Raabe  Yorick Blumenfeld (Nuclear Physics ) & Thierry Stora (applications) WG2 Acceleration: Coordinator Alberto Facco  Fredrik Wenander / Alberto Rodriguez WG3 Beam Handling Coordinador M Borge WG4 Spectrometers and Detectors Coordinador: Herve Savajols  Tim Giles & Magda Kowalska / Elisa Rapisarda WG5 EURISOL-DF Relationships and Legal Structure coordinador Angela Bracco  M Borge 7 Goals of EURISOL-DF o Prepare a strong physics case for RIB science and application o Support, upgrade, optimize and coordinate Europena ISOL facilities towards EURISOL o Get EURISOL-DF on the ESFRI List as candidate project To prepare the case for Europe 5 working groups are created Timeline: First meeting working Group in September 2015 Text ready for June 2016

8 ISOLDE Towards EURISOL-DF 8 Concentrate in the Intensity, purity and emittance of the radioactive beams. Target + ION SOURCE  EBIS+REBUNCHER  HRS new design Design of new beam dumps to face the increase in energy  Cost estimated in 10 MCHF Implementation of the TSR as part of the Instrumentation  Study done  Cost estimated 15 MCHF Steps taken:  1. Preliminary discussion with DG-EU : Svetlomir Stavrev 17 oct 2014 Contact the Swiss representative to get their support. Prepare a 1 page description of the project for swiss. To be approved by Council.  Consult the CERN legal service, DG-LS: Eva Maria Groniger-Voss  Scientific Deputy Director: Sergio Bertolucci 6 Nov 2014 Most probably CERN cannot be member of ERIC

9 Collaboration Matters 9

10 Income of the collaboration 10 CountryAmount per year (CHF) 2013 contribution Received 2014 contribution Received 2015 contribution Received Belgium60.000 ✔✔✔ CERN60.000 ✔✔✔ Denmark60.000 ✔✔✔ Finland60.000 ✔✔ France60.000 ✔ Germany60.000 ✔ ✔✔ Greece India60.000 Ireland10.000 Italy60.000 ✔✔ Norway60.000 ✔✔✔ Romania60.000 ✔✔✔ Spain60.000 ✔ ✔ Sweden60.000 ✔✔✔ United Kingdom60.000 ✔✔✔ Paid 2010-2011

11 11 Proposed new members: status Bulgaria has agreed with the ISOLDE-MoU & Sergio Bertolucci has signed the 21 st of March 2014, Expected to sign by Bulgaria before the end of this year. Slovakia Minister of Sciences has sent me a letter asking for the document to sign the MoU. South Africa is very close to get the signature, expected this year. Poland has organised an internal consortium and the application done to an annually official call will close September 2015. Problems with India and Greece contributions. Ireland hopes that the country will ask to become associate and

12 12 Expenditure Collaboration Contribution 2015 to HIE-ISOLDE already transferred. Expenditure 2014 Real: 252.084 CHF /42611,58 for B508 Balance 31st December 2014551. 213 CHF Balance 29 th June 2015421. 082 CHF Contribution 2012 96,2 % received Contributions 201388 % received Contributions 201480,5 % received Contributions 201558,5 % received Subsistance 2014

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