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Temperature 14.1. Temperature Temperature- a measure of a substances average kinetic energy. 1. hot particles will have more kinetic energy than cool.

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Presentation on theme: "Temperature 14.1. Temperature Temperature- a measure of a substances average kinetic energy. 1. hot particles will have more kinetic energy than cool."— Presentation transcript:

1 Temperature 14.1

2 Temperature Temperature- a measure of a substances average kinetic energy. 1. hot particles will have more kinetic energy than cool particles. Thermometer- a tool that measures and indicates temperature. 1. Liquids such as mercury or alcohol expand when exposed to heat.

3 Temperature Scales Fahrenheit 1. Used mostly in the U.S 2. Boiling- 212 3. Freezing- 32 Celsius 1. Used everywhere but the U.S. 2. Boiling- 100 3. Freezing- 0 4. One degree Celsius= 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit.

4 Conversion Formulas Fahrenheit Temperature- (1.8 X Celsius) + 32 1. Practice Problems: a. 10 Celsius b. 3 Celsius c. 25 Celsius

5 Conversion Formulas Celsius Temperature= Fahrenheit – 32 1.8 1. Practice Problems: a. 45 Fahrenheit b. 12 Fahrenheit c. 85 Farhenheit

6 Kelvin Scale Based on absolute zero: a. Lowest possible temp (-273.15 C) b. Kinetic energy would be zero. Kelvin Temp= Celsius + 273 1. Practice Problems: a. 89 Celsius b. 32 Celsius

7 Heat The feeling of temperature is because of energy transfer. 1. Ex. Energy form your hand may cause ice particles to move faster and melt. Heat- energy transferred between objects of different temperatures.

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