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WELCOME to CS 113!! Academic Strategies Seminar 3/Unit 3 Learning Styles Prof Linda Watson 1.

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Presentation on theme: "WELCOME to CS 113!! Academic Strategies Seminar 3/Unit 3 Learning Styles Prof Linda Watson 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 WELCOME to CS 113!! Academic Strategies Seminar 3/Unit 3 Learning Styles Prof Linda Watson 1

2 Smile! Relax! You are among friends!! Any butterflies? Anyone a little nervous? 2

3 No Problem – You Can Do This! To all those new to our seminars or still a little nervous… Don’t stress-out, this is a piece of cake – well almost! We are reducing stress and certainly don’t want to add to it. It is probably a little easier today compared to the first seminar or last week, right? Learning some of the time management techniques we looked at in our last unit probably helped a bit? It will get easier for each seminar, too! ;-) 3

4 The Importance of a Degree Before moving on to our main topics for the evening, I want you to remember and consider… The Importance of a Degree 4

5 What is a degree worth? 5 Notice that people with a degree have a much lower unemployment rate than those without a degree!! Source:

6 Review of Unit 2… All of us deal with stress each day – even when we don’t really label it stress. Since we can’t avoid stress completely, we can learn to better manage it. Great techniques discussed last week! Has everyone gone to the Mindtools website? It is a good source for learning stress management techniques. Check out the article: “To-Do Lists; The Key to Efficiency.” 6

7 Back-up Plan We all experience computer issues from time-to-time - Print out materials at the beginning of the week. Keep all Professor & Help Desk phone numbers on paper. (Tech Support: 866 522-7747) Do it now! Create a back-up plan. Find local places where you can access a computer – public libraries, FedEx Kinko. A broadband card in case you lose Internet access and also know where the local Internet cafes are located. Save your documents often! Buy a USB flash drive. Everybody have one of these little gems? 7

8 CLASS MOTTO PEPO power!! –Post Early and Post Often!! 8

9 Any Questions on Unit 2????? BONUS COUPON Good for 2 points on Units 1-4 submitted and graded DQ or 40 pt. Assignment (Not to exceed usual 30-40 pts.) Expires: Sunday in Unit 5 9

10 What is Due for Unit 3??? Discussion Question Participation –Initial answer post by Saturday = min. 100 words –Respond to at least two others’ answers (substantive; minimum 2 to 3 sentences) –Respond to at least one of my extra question posts –Post on at least 3 different days Web Exploration Assignment to the Dropbox Quiz Seminar/Alternate Seminar Assignment 10

11 Unit 3 Discussion Learning Styles – Part I (both on ONE post) What did you find out about your learning style from the results of the Unit 3 Learning Style quiz? Be sure to include the actual scores or percentages! Does this seem logical to you? How can you use this information to ensure your success in school? How might this information help you in the workplace? 11

12 Unit 3 Discussion Learning Styles – Part II (both on ONE post) In the Unit 3 Reading in the Challenge Activity Challenge section, you completed the Multiple Intelligences (MI) assessment… Describe your three strongest categories in the MI assessment and tell us how this information further expands your understanding of your learning styles and characteristics. 12

13 Unit 3 Homework Assignment (Project) 1. Use the Assignment pages to find the materials and links. 2. You will need to take the LASSI before completing the template. *Be sure to save a copy of the results. You need these results to complete the work. Rate your top 11 skills – include your scores (percentages)!! Write an evaluation paragraph (10 sentence minimum) with overview of what you learned about yourself Write about your lowest and highest rated modules based on the LASSI ~ PLEASE INCLUDE NAME OF THESE TWO MODULES! Read full requirements in the template and on assignment pages. 13

14 Assignment Template ~ Example 14 Example: If my highest rated is Motivation at 90% and my lowest is Self-Testing at 50%, I would list: 1.Motivation 90% 2 through 10… 11. Self-Testing 50%

15 Assignment Template ~ Excerpts 15 And name the module you discuss…

16 Assignment Template ~ Modules 16 The link listed in paragraphs C and D above ( 3_6/lassi_modules_lassi_modules.html) will bring you to this page: 3_6/lassi_modules_lassi_modules.html Be sure to select your highest and lowest modules from this list, read the information there, and discuss it in Paragraphs C and D on the Assignment template. Please list the name of the module in your answer! Please note the “Online Strategies Scale” listed above for the Modules is really the “Communications” module identified in the Assignment document…

17 Assignment Template ~ Modules 17 The Modules via the link… Example: Anxiety Module… Remember, “Online Strategies Scale” is the “Communications” module …

18 Assignment Naming Convention Hint: Don’t forget to rename the document as YourName-Unit3-LASSIResults i.e. LindaWatson-Unit3-LASSIResults 18

19 Remember that To-Do List Write it down – take the worry out of it! Calendars such as Unit 2 Assignment, too! Template for To-Do lists at Mindtools Website: Free Desktop To Do List Download: 19

20 Any Questions on the Assignments for this Unit 3? 20

21 Case Study: JAYDEN Jayden liked school but always got in trouble for getting up and moving around in his high school class. He would tap his pencil on the desk when he was reading, and when doing his assignments at home, he liked to walk around. He didn't like to follow instructions on assignments but preferred to just get started and do the work. This caused some problems for him because he sometimes missed important parts of the assignments. Jayden is now taking classes online. He wants to get his degree and earn more money. 21

22 Onward and Upward! Ok. Let’s move on to the other topics for this week based on the Unit 3 readings. Ok. Let’s move on to the other topics for this week based on the Unit 3 readings. 22

23 LEARNING STYLES What is your personal learning style? Which study strategies fits you best? What are your personal strengths? What are your personal weaknesses? 23

24 Why should you know your learning style? 24

25 Why should you know your learning style? Your ability to achieve your personal, professional, and academic goals. It is directly related to knowing how to use your own personal learning style to your advantage. 25

26 Do you know yours? Non-traditional students + Traditional students 26

27 Learning Styles Visual Auditory Kinesthetic or Tactile – the “hands on” folks! Most people use a combination of all three learning styles 27

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34 Any questions? 34

35 Grading Comments Be sure to read the first Announcement that was posted about Unit 1 Grades… Check out the “Gradebook Guide” tutorial on the Academic Tools page. Pay particular attention to Dropbox – click on the box with the + sign to read all comments for that Assignment. 35

36 36 Assignment Grading NOTE: Your numeric score and the instructor's reflective comments are based on the standards which are listed in the assignment/project grading rubric found in the course syllabus. These standards include Content, Analysis, and Style (grammar, spelling, sentence structure).

37 Academic Writing vs. Conversational Writing Conversational writing is folksy, chummy and usually not formal. Often, you personally know the person you are writing to. There can be frequent use of pronouns. However, the main goal of academic writing is to inform. It is formal and dry, not folksy at all. The aim is to be as objective as possible. Use as few of pronouns as possible. See the difference? In college, you will almost always want to use academic writing. Your Profs will immediately recognize this, which is a very good thing! Your goal in college is to develop academic writing skills. By the end of class, you will be thinking and writing like academicians! 37

38 How to Reference a Source - Basic APA Anything you type from the Unit Readings or outside Web sites such as should be put in your own words. Remember to always use quotation marks around any portions you copy word for word from another source; otherwise you run into the risk of plagiarism. Let’s suppose you are taking BU100 and you are posting your DQ answer to the DB. At the end of your post on the board or a paper when you begin using APA in future classes, you would put something like: Reference: Unit 4 eGuide: Human Resources Management. (2009). Introduction to Business, BU100, Kaplan University. 38

39 “According to…” Now let’s add one more thing that I want you to begin using in this class. Somewhere in your work, I want you to add the phrase, “According to…” such as in: “According to the Unit 2 Reading Assignment, ‘good’ stress is…” See how easy it is to bring in course concepts, ideas, and terms from the Reading Assignment? Work smarter, not harder!! At the end of your post on the board or a paper when you begin using APA formatting in future classes, you would put something like: Reference: Reading: Stress Management. (2011). Unit 2 Reading, Academic Strategies for the Business Professional, CS113, Kaplan University. 39

40 Referencing Print Media Basic APA According to the Fiddle Theory, Robert Ringer states that if you “fiddle” around with something long enough, it is bound to go wrong (Ringer, 1974). Why? Because you are allowing more time for any adverse action to occur. Reference: Ringer, R. (1974). Winning Through Intimidation. NY: Fawcett Books. If you found your info from a Web site, then when you begin using APA more in future classes, you’d give the Web site as in below example: Doe, J. (2009). HRM, Retrieved September 25, 2009 from 40

41 Any questions? 41

42 Take the Learning And Study Styles Inventory LASSI 42

43 What is it? It’s an Assessment Assesses student awareness about and use of- learning and study strategies related to - Three components of strategic learning  skill, will, self-regulation 43

44 The Scales (a/k/a Modules) Attitude Motivation Time Management Anxiety Concentration Communications Information processing Selecting Main Ideas Study Aids Self-Testing Test Strategies 44 Remember, “Communications” is titled “Online Strategies Scale” in the explanatory modules via the link on the Assignment form…

45 How can this help at work? Solving problems Acting responsibly Time management Communicating clearly Acting motivated Getting along with others Thinking about 'the big picture.‘ Other ideas? 45

46 The VARK The VARK is another good learning styles assessment. It is an acronym for Visual, Auditory, Read / Write and Kinesthetic. For those of you also wanting to try this tool: http://www.vark- 46

47 T How Any questions? 47

48 I will have two hours per week dedicated to Office Hours. Office Hours are generally Wednesdays 3-5 pm ET. I am often online and logged into Google Chat Feel free to take aim at me! Email: Prof Linda’s Phone: 616 516-9780 ET Tech Support 866 522-7747 How can you reach me? 48

49 It’s a pleasure! Thank you again for being here today. I hope you’ve learned a lot ~ and had fun along the way! 49

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