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California Desert Air Working Group 2008 Conference California Air Resources Board Regulatory Update Embassy Suites Hotel and Spa La Quinta November 6.

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Presentation on theme: "California Desert Air Working Group 2008 Conference California Air Resources Board Regulatory Update Embassy Suites Hotel and Spa La Quinta November 6."— Presentation transcript:

1 California Desert Air Working Group 2008 Conference California Air Resources Board Regulatory Update Embassy Suites Hotel and Spa La Quinta November 6 and 7, 2008

2 Environmental Performance Labeling Environmental Performance Labeling Legislation required the ARB to redesign the Smog Index Label to include information about emissions of global warming gases. This label will be affixed to the window of every new car sold in California by January 1, 2009.

3 On-Road Diesel Truck Regs Purpose: Reduce diesel emissions due to public health Trucks are the largest source of diesel particulate matter (PM) in CA Applicable to diesel trucks > 14,000 lbs GVR First reqts 2010 with exhaust retrofits Phase-in 2010 MY equivalent engines/trucks between 2012 and 2022 To be considered by the ARB Board at Dec 11 and 12, 2008 public hearing in Sacramento

4 On-Road Diesel Truck Regs Applicable to all trucks operating in CA including out-of-state and foreign Many other diesel sources already addressed by ARB Off-Road diesel agricultural vehicles scheduled for 2009 rdiesel.htm rdiesel.htm

5 On-Road Diesel Truck Regs Funding Proposition 1B - Trucks > 33K lbs Administered by air districts and ports Priority placed on retrofits and truck replacements Public mtgs in November 2008 to evaluate funding Other funds possible from air districts - (916) 444-6637 Contact local air district or port

6 SmartWay Truck Efficiency Help reduce GHG emissions by improving long haul tractor and trailer efficiency Requirements based on US EPA’s existing SmartWay Program Improve tractor and trailer aerodynamics Reduce rolling resistance Applies to many trucks and trailers operating in California Substantial fuel savings: 8% to 11% – Over 1,100 gal/yr @ 6 mpg &100k mi – Total Installed Cost: $7,000 to $9,000 – Total Payback Period up to 2 years Considered by the ARB Board at Dec 11 and 12, 2008 public hearing in Sacramento

7 SmartWay Truck Efficiency


9 Enhanced Vapor Recovery Program (EVR) Vapor recovery systems collect gasoline vapors that would otherwise escape into the atmosphere during bulk fuel delivery (Phase I) or vehicle refueling (Phase II). These vapors are a major culprit in the formation of smog Gasoline Dispensing Facilities with underground storage tanks subject to Phase II vapor recovery requirements will need to upgrade to EVR by April 1, 2009

10 Formaldehyde in Wood Products Formaldehyde emissions identified as carcinogenic Used in resins for the construction of composite wood products Applies to products sold, supplied, used, or manufactured for sale in California Producers of composite wood products must enlist services of a third party certifier and label their product Over 100 mills globally going through CARB certification process January 1, 2009 compliance date

11 AB 32 Global Warming Scoping Plan Reduce California’s greenhouse gas emissions to 1990 levels by 2020 Grow the State’s economy and promote investment in green technology Protect and improve public health Provide a model for regional, national and international programs

12 AB 32 Timeline

13 AB 32 Global Warming Scoping Plan Mix of strategies that combine market mechanisms, other regulations, voluntary measures, and fees. Key elements: - Energy efficiency programs - Renewable energy - California cap and trade program - Targets for transportation-related emissions - Existing laws and policies - Targeted fees

14 AB 32 Global Warming Scoping Plan Approximately 2 million 12-ounce cans of refrigerant are sold annually to DIY consumers in California. This is equal to: Avoiding the total emissions from one state-of- the-art 500 megawatt combined-cycle gas-fired power plants for one year. 191,000 passenger cars not driven for one year. Over 100 million gallons of gasoline saved. One year of electricity use by 170,000 average California households.

15 2008 Air Quality Legislation Summary Legislature introduced more than 2,000 bills ARB monitored about 300 bills addressing a wide array of air quality issues including land use changes, energy, goods movement, smog check and more. Of the bills ARB tracked, 80 passed the Legislature. Of these, 60 bills were signed into law and 20 bills were vetoed. ARB also monitored committees which met throughout the year to discuss implementation of AB 32, energy and a variety of air quality-related health concerns.

16 ARB Contact Phil Loder California Air Resources Board Office of the Ombudsman (916) 323 - 6791 Thank You!

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