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The Digestive System Functions – Break down food and absorb it in the body 4 steps food goes through – Ingestion – Digestion – Absorption – elimination.

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Presentation on theme: "The Digestive System Functions – Break down food and absorb it in the body 4 steps food goes through – Ingestion – Digestion – Absorption – elimination."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Digestive System Functions – Break down food and absorb it in the body 4 steps food goes through – Ingestion – Digestion – Absorption – elimination Types of digestion – Mechanical – Chemical Organs – Mouth – Esophagus – Stomach – Small intestine – Large intestine – Liver – Gallbladder – Panaceas – Bacteria

2 Function of the Digestive System digest food and make food usable as building blocks and source of energy Explain the 4 Steps Food Goes Through 1. Ingestion – act of eating or putting food in your mouth 2. Digestion – mechanical and chemical breakdown of food into smaller particles and molecules that body can absorb and use 3. Absorption – nutrients and water are taken in (absorbed) 4. Elimination – removal of undigested food and other wastes form the body

3 Describe the 2 Types of Digestion 1.Mechanical – food is physically broken into smaller pieces (mouth, stomach) 2.Chemical – chemical reactions break down food into smaller pieces (stomach, small intestine, mouth) Copy into your notes Peristalsis: muscle contractions that move food through the digestive system (esophagus, intestines Enzyme: Proteins that break down large molecules into smaller molecules

4 *Mouth - amylase *Epiglottis *Salivary Glands * Rectum/Colon Liver- Gallbladder- Small Intestine- Esophagus- Stomach- Pancreas – Large Intestine-

5 Urinary System pg 110 Function: produces, stores and removes liquid waste from the body.

6 Urinary System WIDER3 (pg 499-502) Word (pg #)IllustrationDefinitionExample/ Analogy Related Terms (3) Kidney Nephrons Urine 1 st Filtration 2 nd Filtration Ureter Bladder Urethra

7 Excretory System Function: System : Function: Organs: System : Function: Organs: System : Function: Organs: System : Function: Organs:

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