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Pentateuch/Torah: What do these words describe? Christians refer to the first 5 books of the Bible as the Pentateuch. Jewish people refer to the first.

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Presentation on theme: "Pentateuch/Torah: What do these words describe? Christians refer to the first 5 books of the Bible as the Pentateuch. Jewish people refer to the first."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pentateuch/Torah: What do these words describe? Christians refer to the first 5 books of the Bible as the Pentateuch. Jewish people refer to the first 5 books of the Bible as the Torah. What books are included in the Pentateuch? Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy

2 Who wrote the Pentateuch? According to Jewish tradition Moses wrote the first 5 books of the Bible Most biblical scholars say that the Bible was written by at least 4 different groups of writers. Each of these groups is given a common name for the entire group: Eloihist Yawhists Deuteronomist Priestly

3 Elohists: The Elohists are referred to as the “E” source. The name comes from “Elohim” an early Hebrew name for God. It was used in the Northern part of Israel about 800 to 700 B.C. The Elohists believed that God communicates to humans through dreams, messengers, symbols and prophecy. A short version of the name Elohim is “El”. El Shaddai = God Almighty El Elyon = God Most High E


5 Yawhists: Referred to as the “J” source. This group was the first writers of the Pentateuch. These parts of the Bible were written around 800 to 900 B.C. Yawhists sources are the oldest material in the Bible. The Yawhists saw God as close to humans. They portrayed God as acting like a human. J


7 Deuteronomists: Often referred to as the “D” source. The name Deuteronomy means “Sacred Law” in Greek. These sections were written around 500-600 B.C., when the kings of Israel were seen as becoming less faithful to God. They felt that a person became closer to God by following the Law of the Covenant. D


9 Priestley Writer: Referred to as the “P” source. This group wrote around the 5 th and 6 th century BCE. The Priestley writer stresses rituals and following religious observances such as feasts, festivals, fasting, ritual sacrifice, bathing etc. The Priestley Writer saw God as formal and distant. God was reached through following formal rituals. P


11 Priestly –God is formal and distant from us. We become closer to God by following rituals. Elohists--God speaks to us through symbols. Deuteronomists--God becomes closer to us the closer we follow God’s law. God is concerned with correct behavior. Yahwists—God acts like a person and is close to humans.

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