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SENTENCE VARIATION. WHAT IS SENTENCE VARIATION? Sentence variation is a helpful tool in encouraging better fluency and sound in a writer’s work.

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2 WHAT IS SENTENCE VARIATION? Sentence variation is a helpful tool in encouraging better fluency and sound in a writer’s work.

3 SENTENCE VARIATION Why is it important? Sentence variation serves as a tool for preventing redundant and/or dull sentences,thus, challenging the writer to focus on his communicative ability with the reader. ============================== Y ou need sentence variation in order to give your writing some style. When you write, your GOAL is to have your voice heard! Therefore, you need to be equipped with the proper tools to add that certain amount of PIZAZZ to your writing! Sentence variation serves as a tool for preventing redundant and/or dull sentences,thus, challenging the writer to focus on his communicative ability with the reader. ============================== Y ou need sentence variation in order to give your writing some style. When you write, your GOAL is to have your voice heard! Therefore, you need to be equipped with the proper tools to add that certain amount of PIZAZZ to your writing!

4 SENTENCE VARIATION=STYLE Your writing without sentence variation: Your writing WITH sentence variation:

5 SENTENCE VARIATION TO THE RESCUE… Here is a prime example of writing that desperately needs some sentence variance: Bob went to work. Bob is a box manager. Bob manages people who make boxes at the box factory. Bob loves boxes. <=== Notice the unnecessary repetition in this example. As the reader, do you feel this is acceptable writing? To avoid forming sentences in a repetitive fashion, use such practices as rephrasing, semicolons, appositives, and eliminating the passive voice. ===========> Here is a prime example of writing that desperately needs some sentence variance: Bob went to work. Bob is a box manager. Bob manages people who make boxes at the box factory. Bob loves boxes. <=== Notice the unnecessary repetition in this example. As the reader, do you feel this is acceptable writing? To avoid forming sentences in a repetitive fashion, use such practices as rephrasing, semicolons, appositives, and eliminating the passive voice. ===========>

6 ===> Polishing up! Now, using sentence variation, let’s polish those sentences: Bob works. Bob is a box manager. Bob manages people who make boxes at the box factory. Bob loves boxes. Let’s use an appositive phrase (in bold) to solve this problem: Bob, who works as a box factory manager, loves boxes and managing the people who make them! **Notice how using an appositive phrase,in this instance, eliminates repetition and number of sentences. Sometimes, in writing, LESS is MORE. Therefore, if you find that you have a group of sentences that imply or repeat similar information, it will be VITAL to incorporate these sentence varying tools. Now, using sentence variation, let’s polish those sentences: Bob works. Bob is a box manager. Bob manages people who make boxes at the box factory. Bob loves boxes. Let’s use an appositive phrase (in bold) to solve this problem: Bob, who works as a box factory manager, loves boxes and managing the people who make them! **Notice how using an appositive phrase,in this instance, eliminates repetition and number of sentences. Sometimes, in writing, LESS is MORE. Therefore, if you find that you have a group of sentences that imply or repeat similar information, it will be VITAL to incorporate these sentence varying tools.

7 SENTENCE VARIATION PRE-TEST Directions: Try editing and/or rewriting the following sentences to improve the form and sound of the writing. Gary is a soccer player who loves soccer and plays for Horn High School. Gary loves playing soccer for his school. The books were read by the students. The test was given by Ms. Starnes after the kids read their books. Macbeth is a great play. Macbeth is a play about a man who took his ambitions too far. The play has a lot of life lessons in it. Directions: Try editing and/or rewriting the following sentences to improve the form and sound of the writing. Gary is a soccer player who loves soccer and plays for Horn High School. Gary loves playing soccer for his school. The books were read by the students. The test was given by Ms. Starnes after the kids read their books. Macbeth is a great play. Macbeth is a play about a man who took his ambitions too far. The play has a lot of life lessons in it.

8 Let’s BREAK it down… The 4 BEST options for sentence variance includes: 1. Rephrasing 2. Semicolons 3. Appositives 4. Eliminating the Passive Voice The 4 BEST options for sentence variance includes: 1. Rephrasing 2. Semicolons 3. Appositives 4. Eliminating the Passive Voice

9 Rephrasing Sentence rephrasing acts as a tool in improving both the style and fluidity of a paper. Sometimes, simply rearranging the words in a sentence can do the job. While, at other times, it calls for trading out the overly used verbs and nouns for more effective usage. Example: Bob went to the market after work to grab some dinner because he was hungry.  Option ONE: After work, Bob went to the market to grab dinner because he was hungry.  Option TWO: Bob, after work, went the to the market to grab some dinner because he was hungry.  Option THREE: Bob, who was hungry, went to the market after work to grab some dinner. Sentence rephrasing acts as a tool in improving both the style and fluidity of a paper. Sometimes, simply rearranging the words in a sentence can do the job. While, at other times, it calls for trading out the overly used verbs and nouns for more effective usage. Example: Bob went to the market after work to grab some dinner because he was hungry.  Option ONE: After work, Bob went to the market to grab dinner because he was hungry.  Option TWO: Bob, after work, went the to the market to grab some dinner because he was hungry.  Option THREE: Bob, who was hungry, went to the market after work to grab some dinner.

10 Semicolons

11 The Passive Voice You can recognize passive-voice expressions because the verb phrase will always include a form of be, such as am, is, are, was, were, or been. Overuse of passive voice throughout an essay can cause your prose to seem flat and uninteresting. In sentences written in passive voice, the subject receives the action expressed in the verb; the subject is acted upon. The boy was bitten by the dog. If you want to change a passive-voice sentence to active voice, consider carefully who or what is performing the action expressed in the verb. Make that agent the subject of the sentence, and change the verb accordingly. Sometimes you will need to infer the agent from the surrounding sentences, which provide context. The book is being read by most of the class. (Passive) Most of the class is reading the book. (Active) You can recognize passive-voice expressions because the verb phrase will always include a form of be, such as am, is, are, was, were, or been. Overuse of passive voice throughout an essay can cause your prose to seem flat and uninteresting. In sentences written in passive voice, the subject receives the action expressed in the verb; the subject is acted upon. The boy was bitten by the dog. If you want to change a passive-voice sentence to active voice, consider carefully who or what is performing the action expressed in the verb. Make that agent the subject of the sentence, and change the verb accordingly. Sometimes you will need to infer the agent from the surrounding sentences, which provide context. The book is being read by most of the class. (Passive) Most of the class is reading the book. (Active)

12 LET’S REVIEW Remember: Sentence variation (rephrasing, semicolons, appositives, and eliminating passive voice) is used to IMPROVE the fluidity and sound of your paper. Don’t be a writer without style!

13 POST-TEST Directions: On a separate sheet of paper, edit and/or rewrite the following sentences. Gary is a soccer player who loves soccer and plays for Horn High School. Gary loves playing soccer for his school. The books were read by the students. The test was given by Ms. Starnes after the kids read their books. Macbeth is a great play. Macbeth is a play about a man who took his ambitions too far. The play has a lot of life lessons in it. Directions: On a separate sheet of paper, edit and/or rewrite the following sentences. Gary is a soccer player who loves soccer and plays for Horn High School. Gary loves playing soccer for his school. The books were read by the students. The test was given by Ms. Starnes after the kids read their books. Macbeth is a great play. Macbeth is a play about a man who took his ambitions too far. The play has a lot of life lessons in it.

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