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Jessica Gonzalez Maggie Johnson Lacey Lurz Anna Printz Devon Wetteland.

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Presentation on theme: "Jessica Gonzalez Maggie Johnson Lacey Lurz Anna Printz Devon Wetteland."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jessica Gonzalez Maggie Johnson Lacey Lurz Anna Printz Devon Wetteland

2 2 Jessica Gonzalez Lacey Lurz Maggie Johnson Anna Printz Devon Wetteland Situation Analysis Objectives & Strategies Promotions/ Evaluations Budgets Exhibits

3 3 Client Analysis South Central Unified School District No. 5 Sandy Creek Lawrence - Nelson “Leaders in Innovation”

4 4 Client Analysis Career Pathways Juniors and Seniors 50% Business Agriculture Graphic Design Engineering/ Drafting/Construction Medical Manufacturing WeldingCulinary Arts EducationAutomotive

5 5 Audience Analysis Demographics *Parents and students of the Clay County Area Low Diversity Lower – Lower middle class $20,000 - $45,000 86% High School Diploma 16% Bachelor’s Degree

6 6 Audience Analysis Psychographics *Parents and students of the Clay County Area Rural Community Have family job lined up before graduation Leave for larger city Farmers, management, and construction

7 7 Objectives Short-Term Objective Increase the number of students in the Career Pathways program by 10% by May 2017. Long-Term Objective Expand the Career Pathways program to include at least 100 students by 2021.

8 8 Strategies Short-Term Strategies Strategy 1: Create and distribute promotional tools including locker magnets, car decals, t-shirts, and graduation cords, that will increase student awareness of the program. Utilize car decal advertisements to promote Career Pathways outside of town.

9 9 Strategies Short-Term Strategies Strategy 2: Successfully use the Hootsuite app to consistently and effectively post cohesive material on all social media platforms. Such platforms include Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. A Career Pathways program website will be created and linked on South Central’s home page.

10 10 Strategies Short-Term Strategies Strategy 3: Create a Tour Day for sophomore students to attend where they can experience Career Pathways in a hands-on way.

11 11 Strategies Short-Term Strategies Strategy 4: Host after school informational sessions for students and parents to increase awareness and understanding of the program. The sessions will be targeted at 8 th graders and sophomores.

12 12 Strategies Long-Term Strategy Strategy 1: Invite Career Pathway graduates to speak with prospective Career Pathway students at both the middle school and high school about their experience in the program during the Tour Day and informational sessions.

13 13 Promotion Student & Parent Driven Informational Day Tour Day Press Releases

14 14 Posts

15 15 Evaluating Success Short Term CPath Website Number of students who log on page Facebook Twitter Instagram Parents post & share about events 25-50 likes # of followers

16 16 Evaluation Long Term Increase in the # of students: 100 by the year 2021 CPath alumni to tell their success stories Cpath Legacy

17 17 Budget T-shirts 150 at $6.95/each $1,042.50 Graduation Cords 150 at $3.75/each $562.50 Magnets 200 at $0.21/each $41.24 Vehicle Decals 150 at $0.80/each $120

18 Vehicle Wraps 2 at $1,000/each $2,000 New Web Design (estimated) $4,000 18 Budget Total: $7,766.24 $12,233.76 remaining

19 19 Exhibits: Logo

20 20 Exhibits: Magnet

21 21 Exhibits: T-shirt

22 22 Exhibits: T-shirt

23 23 Exhibits: Vehicle Wrap

24 24 Exhibits: Decal

25 Exhibits: Posters 25

26 26 Exhibits: Web Design

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