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Tidewater Adventist Academy: S.W.O.T. Analysis A Precursor to Visioning Hamlet Canosa, Ed.D. VP of Education Columbia Union Conference Office of Education.

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Presentation on theme: "Tidewater Adventist Academy: S.W.O.T. Analysis A Precursor to Visioning Hamlet Canosa, Ed.D. VP of Education Columbia Union Conference Office of Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tidewater Adventist Academy: S.W.O.T. Analysis A Precursor to Visioning Hamlet Canosa, Ed.D. VP of Education Columbia Union Conference Office of Education

2 Abraham Lincoln said... “If we know where we are and something about how we got there, we might see where we are trending - and if the outcomes which lie naturally in our course are unacceptable, to make timely changes.”

3 What is a SWOT Analysis? The SWOT Analysis is a brainstorming process useful for planning, helping an organization establish its present position, and evaluate its potential. SWOT is an acronym for: Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

4 We Can “Plot the SWOT” Positive Negative Internal External StrengthsWeaknesses OpportunitiesThreats

5 Strengths: What are our strengths? Answer the following questions: What are T.A.A.’s advantages? What does T.A.A. do well? Consider this from your point of view and the point of view of your “customers.” Don’t be modest, be realistic. If challenged, list the school’s characteristics.

6 Weaknesses: What are our weaknesses? Answer the following questions: What could be improved? What is done badly? What should be avoided? Do your customers perceive weaknesses you don’t see? Do your competitors do any better? Be realistic and face any unpleasant truths that apply!

7 Opportunities: What opportunities can we identify? Answer the following questions: What and where are the good chances facing Tidewater? What are the interesting possibilities for Tidewater’s future? 1) technology, 2) marketing, 3) development, 4) growth profiles, etc.

8 Threats: What actual and potential threats must we confront? Answer the following questions: What major obstacles do you currently face? What is your “competition” doing? Are you keeping up with how technology can shape your future? Do you have pressing financial issues, i.e,, bad debt or cash flow problems?

9 SWOT Analysis StrengthsWeaknessesOpportunitiesThreats Lead to strategies and plans that can foster... Vision Goals Values Competencies Maximizing Resources Investing & Developing People Skills

10 3 Components to a New Strategy Vision Internal Assessment External Assessment NEW VISION TO ACTION PLANNING

11 New Strategies/Goals SPECIFIC STRATEGIES: Examples: SPECIFIC STRATEGIES: To achieve quality in all aspects of school through identifying and implementing quality improvement procedures/protocols. To aggressively pursue, through the PO Office of Education, the hiring and retention of highly-skilled instructional and support staff. To establish local business alliances to enhance programming and instruction OPERATING GOALS: To attain highest customer satisfaction. Achieve lowest possible costs, while maintaining high quality

12 After Completing the SWOT... T.A.A. board, administration and faculty should ask themselves the following questions: How can we use our strengths to enable us to take advantage of the opportunities we have identified?  How can we use our strengths to enable us to take advantage of the opportunities we have identified?  How can we use our strengths to overcome the threats identified?

13 After Completing the SWOT... What do we need to do to overcome the identified weaknesses in order to take advantage of the identified opportunities?  What do we need to do to overcome the identified weaknesses in order to take advantage of the identified opportunities?  How will we minimize our weaknesses to overcome the identified threats?

14 Now...

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