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SOER 2010 country assessments and SENSE Lessons learned and the way forward – The European perspective Bernt Röndell (SES), SEIS coordinator at EEA.

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Presentation on theme: "SOER 2010 country assessments and SENSE Lessons learned and the way forward – The European perspective Bernt Röndell (SES), SEIS coordinator at EEA."— Presentation transcript:

1 SOER 2010 country assessments and SENSE Lessons learned and the way forward – The European perspective Bernt Röndell (SES), SEIS coordinator at EEA

2 Outline SOER2010 Country assessments (part C) The SENSE project Future steps

3 SOER 2010 On 30 November 2010, the European Environment Agency (EEA) will publish its fourth European environment – state and outlook (SOER 2010). SOER 2010 provides a set of assessments of the current state of Europe’s environment, its likely future state, what is being done and what could be done to improve things, how global developments might affect future trends … and more. The SOER 2010 website will be at:

4 Structure of SOER 2010 SOER 2010 - Synthesis - Thematic assessments Understanding climate change Air pollution Biodiversity Water resources: quantity & flows Soil Freshwater quality Consumption and environment Material resources and waste Land use Mitigating climate change Adapting to climate change Marine and coastal environment Assessment of global megatrends Political megatrends Country assessments Urban environment Environmental megatrends Each of the above are assessed by each EEA member country (32) and EEA cooperating country (6) Climate change mitigation Nature protection and biodiversity National and regional stories Freshwater Air pollution Land use Country profiles Common environmental themes Waste Economic megatrends Technological megatrends Social megatrends

5 SOER 2010: Country assessments Country assessments Each of the above are assessed by each EEA member country (32) and EEA cooperating country (6) Climate change mitigation Nature protection and biodiversity National and regional stories Freshwater Air pollution Land use Country profiles Common environmental themes Waste Most ambitious Eionet project ever Great involvement of all 38 EEA member and cooperating countries Providing a set of country assessments of the environmental situation in individual countries

6 Assessment of the Country Assessments The countries have delivered (96% success rate) Our first impressions are: - High quality - Wealth of information - Diversity of the countries is coming through - We all share common environmental concerns

7 SENSE I Scenario 3 Scenario 2 Scenario 1 The technical content provision 2015 2010

8 SENSE Objectives GENERAL To implement a mechanism for SEIS compliant information sharing between national and European websites SPECIFIC To consolidate Eionet and EEA user needs for using ICT tools based on Linked Data to share SOE information between the national and the European level. To establish a process of online SOE-reporting from national websites to EEA SOE web site and vice versa To improve the sharing of national and European information through the use of a Linked Data approach for SOE information through a pilot learning process for both EEA and Eionet. To migrate SERIS links and information into the SOER web site. To exchange know how (i.e. on Linked Data technology) between EEA and Eionet.

9 widely accepted standard from Used for Linked Data and the wider semantic web initiatives around the worldsemantic web “The Semantic Web provides a common framework that allows data to be shared and reused across application, enterprise, and community boundaries” – (World Wide Web Consortium - W3C, 2009)World Wide Web Consortium - W3C, 2009 WHY RDF / XML

10 Belgium - Air pollution

11 State of play 30th of November

12 EnvData EEA-Eionet (reportnet) EnvData EEA-Eionet (reportnet) EnvData Country EnvData Country SENSE EnvData Eurostat EnvData Eurostat Linked data

13 Assessment of the Country Assessments‘ process Some of you started a little late and meeting deadlines did not seem to be the main concern You were highly dedicated We have all learned a lot We now need to use this new knowledge for the right kind of data and information flows as well as assessments

14 Develop the assessments Linking assessments across scales & themes Local-level Sub-national level National-level European-level SoE / IEA Water Land Biodiversity

15 Working with environmental dataflows High frequency Low frequency Object based Dataset based

16 Further steps March 2011 - MB discussion item to be developed with Eionet: Updating process towards SOER 2015 Investigating the introduction of further issues, e.g. Green Economy, Environment and Health, Soil Use of SOER country assessments in regional and global context Use of SOER European assessments in national and sub- regional context In 2011 - RDF and linked data and indicators?

17 Again THANK YOU!

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