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“By giving people the power to share, we’re making the world more transparent” – Mark Zuckerberg 6. Posting.

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Presentation on theme: "“By giving people the power to share, we’re making the world more transparent” – Mark Zuckerberg 6. Posting."— Presentation transcript:

1 “By giving people the power to share, we’re making the world more transparent” – Mark Zuckerberg 6. Posting

2 6.1 Introduction to Posting Points to remember When it comes to posting, remember the 10 Don’ts! Avoid being a spammer! > When posting in groups, respect any guidelines and rules for that group. Use your personal profile to share your page and page posts on friends’ walls. Add personal touches to your posts to make them stand out.

3 6.2 The P.O.S.T. Approach Practice the P.O.S.T. Approach POLITE > OPTIMISTIC SINCERE TACTFUL

4 Example of the P.O.S.T. Approach

5 This POST comes across as respectful and informative, even though the poster doesn’t say please or thank you. “…art can save be tool for change around the world” Think about those words.

6 He’s happy to have found a group where he can sell his equipment

7 We like being invited to enjoy ourselves! “…watch 12 free films!” Yes please!

8 Get people thing about where they live – the streets they walk on. What locations are you using in your film? What do those places mean to different people in the area?

9 An optimistic post:

10 Gratitude expressed, whilst informing people about opportunities:

11 “Thanks for the add”

12 6.2 Activity: Practice P.O.S.T. Acting as the page, everyone to write a post on the wall of another page that applies the POST Approach. This should be an original written post with a link to a website attached to the post. >

13 6.3 Get visual in your posts

14 6.3 Maximising your impact through visuals Points to remember People interact more with posts that have pictures or videos than just text-based posts. > Upload pictures that tell stories People will visit a page just to see good photographs and videos The more creative you are, the better. Look at creative images online for ideas

15 6.3 Case study: Humans of New York




19 6.3 Impactful images with symbolism

20 6.3 Case Study: Tinie Tempah – bold images

21 6.3 Videos with a ‘Play’ symbol

22 Be relevant, topical and intriguing Try to tell stories, but in a concise and creative way This is an example text. Go ahead and replace it with your own text. This is an example text. Go ahead and replace it with your own text Express heartfelt gratitude Express your passion for what you are doing with your skills and talents Talk about your social media experiences Avoid mundane posts, especially one’s that imply you are tired or bored. Create posts that resonate. Such posts bring shared emotions to the surface. 6.4 Posts that others can relate to 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 Share moments of genuine feeling and add an intimate touch to your style when appropriate

23 Post content that you know the person will be happy to see on their wall. This is an example text. Go ahead and replace it with your own text. This is an example text. Go ahead and replace it with your own text Post content that informs people of opportunities that they may be interested in. Ask yourself, would I like to see this on my wall? 6.5 Posting on people’s walls 11 22 33 Check in a day to see if your post is still on the walls where you left it. If it has been deleted, then don’t post there again. ACTIVITY: Everyone to post on friend’s wall Acting with their personal profiles, everyone to post on a friend’s wall to inform them about their new page. Post should include a link, a photograph and a personal message. ACTIVITY: Everyone to post on friend’s wall Acting with their personal profiles, everyone to post on a friend’s wall to inform them about their new page. Post should include a link, a photograph and a personal message.

24 6.6 Type of content 6.6.1 Links

25 6.6 Type of content 6.6.2 Questions

26 6.6 Type of content 6.6.3 Videos

27 6.6 Type of content 6.6.4 Contests

28 6.6 Type of content 6.6.5 Photographs

29 6.7 Type of content 6.7.6. Stories

30 6.6 Type of content 6.6.7 Advice/ request for advice

31 6.6 Type of content 6.6.7 Advice/ request for advice

32 6.6 Type of content 6.6.8 Humour

33 6.6 Type of content 6.6.9 Inspiring quote

34 6.7 When to post

35 A few quality posts every week are better than daily posts that add no value to your audience’s experience. Post when you have a milestone to celebrate, such as gaining your first 100 likes This is an example text. Go ahead and replace it with your own text. This is an example text. Go ahead and replace it with your own text Post seasonal messages and send out wished on public holidays and religious holidays Post when people are most likely to be awake and online Look at the analytical graphs about your page to see when your fans are online Monday morning around 9am is a good time to post to reach people who log into Facebook at work When you decide to post depends on your audience. Get to know your audience 6.7 When to post 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 Experiment with different posting schedules

36 Creating a content posting schedule As a team, create a basic posting schedule spreadsheet, covering two weeks, with the following columns: Date the content will be posted Time of day the content will be posted Type of content to be posted Which team member will be responsible for posting the content? Implement the posting schedule over the two week period. 6.7 ACTIVITY DateTimeType of ContentWho will post

37 6.8 Using Facebook insights for effective posting Why are page insights useful? According to Facebook, they “optimize how you publish”. In other words, they help you to see the best way to publish to reach people and get people engaging with your posts. > Every time a person is able to see something you posted, your post is able to reach a number of people. Facebook tells you this number so you can see which posts people are interested in. > You already see if your page is gaining likes and people are commenting on your posts. With insights you can also see how many people saw your post and how many clicked on it in people’s news feeds. >

38 To see your insights, go to your page and click on the icon below your cover picture.

39 After clicking on Insights, you’ll see some graphs and tables that give you an overview of how people are interacting with your page. In this example of overview graphs, we can see that likes, reach and engagement are all down from the previous week. The grey lines all represent the previous week and the coloured lines represent activity for the current week.

40 On the menu bar for insights, you can see click to get more information on Likes, Reach, Visits, Posts and People.

41 If you click on Likes, you’ll see a graph. By clicking on different sections of the graph, you’ll get more insight into when people Liked your page. You can then look at the section on posts and see which posts you shared on days that saw a high number of new Likes on the page.

42 If you click on a date on the graph, you’ll see a table with information.

43 Glossary of terms related to Facebook Insights: Page Likes: Total Page Likes is the number of unique people who like your Page. Post Reach: Total Reach is the number of unique people who have seen any content associated with your Page. Engagement: People Engaged is the number of unique people who have clicked on, liked, commented on or shared your posts Impressions: Impressions are the number of times a post from your Page is displayed, whether the post is clicked or not. People may see multiple impressions of the same post. Reach: Reach is the number of unique people who received impressions of a Page post. Organic reach: The number of unique people who saw your post in News Feed or on your Page, including people who saw it from a story shared by a friend when they liked, commented on or shared your post, answered a question or responded to an event Paid reach: The number of unique people who saw your post through an ad API: application programming interface – apps that offer Facebook functionality

44 6.9 Posting about milestones “Wow – we’ve got 480 likes. Let’s take it to 500 by the end of the day. Thanks in advance for inviting your friends!” “Today we finished our 5 th film! Look out for invites to the online launch.“ >

45 THANK YOU! Your Logo

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