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Tamara Bonet Prof. Giarelli JRN229 12/13 June 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Tamara Bonet Prof. Giarelli JRN229 12/13 June 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tamara Bonet Prof. Giarelli JRN229 12/13 June 2012

2  A little over 50 newspapers  Papers range from Business to Sports  Three Professional Magazines  14 selections of TV/Radio Companies (Not channels)

3  Constitutional Monarchy  Constitution in 1978  Political Parties: Spanish Socialist Workers Party, Popular Party, and the United Left coalition.  Key regional parties are the Convergence and Union (Catalonia) and the Basque Nationalist Party (Basque country).

4  Through radio and television, the media expresses a deep concern for the economy.  The Spanish Constitution protects the freedom of expression, the clause of conscience and the professional secrecy as basic rights.

5  There are European regulations for broadcast (radio/t.v.) as far as their content, print media does not )EJC).  Only conventional courts to punish journalists (when needed).

6  #1 Economy shapes the media outlets  #2 Digital technologies  #3 Changes in legal framework broadcast companies  #4 Fragmentation of audiences subsequent reshaping of the advertising market

7  History of economic crisis’ is fact, not imaginary  Like many, Spain’s economy has recently been going under  Media outlets find it imperative that the people are aware of issues at hand.

8  EU to inject up to €100bn in Spain 6/09/eu-to-inject-up-to-100bn-in-spain- 125/ 6/09/eu-to-inject-up-to-100bn-in-spain- 125/  Eurozone Agrees to Lend Spain 100 Billion Euros usiness/news/eurozone-agrees-lend-spain- 100-billion-euros-216 usiness/news/eurozone-agrees-lend-spain- 100-billion-euros-216

9  "Background Note: Spain." U.S. Department of State. U.S. Department of State, 05 Jan. 2012. Web. 08 June 2012.  European Journal Centre. N.p., 08 Nov. 2010. Web. 07 June 2012

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