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 Father worked in civil service  According to evidence, Hitler was 100% Austrian  He loved Architecture and Art -but was denied admission to the.

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3  Father worked in civil service  According to evidence, Hitler was 100% Austrian  He loved Architecture and Art -but was denied admission to the “Academy of Fine Arts” in Vienna





8  As a young adult, Hitler lived in Vienna Austria  First jobs – Making and selling post cards - Manual labor  As a soldier in WWI – Hitler was a hero  He was awarded the iron cross for bravery in battle




12  When Hitler lived in Vienna, Lueger was the mayor  Luger was an extreme anti-Semite  Lueger’s tallent was to use propaganda to mobilize the masses  Hitler emulated Lueger  Lueger’s solution to the “Jewish Problem” was to “put them all on a boat and sink it”


14  Hitler was very clear about his views both in “Mein Kamph” and while speaking to Parliament  Did Hitler order the Holocaust? - “working towards the will of the fuhrer”  Could the Holocaust have happened without Hitler?



17  Anti-Semitism was a focal point of the party from the start  Not the only political party focused on anti- Semitism  Nazi 25 points – denies citizenship for Jews


19  He practiced his speeches w/ grandiose gestures  Great speaker, excellent with propaganda  Giving speeches with rampant anti-Semitism was not abnormal  Hitler’s Lies / Beliefs? -Jews responsible for communist revolution -Jews trying to corrupt Germany


21  Hitler goes to jail for the Beer Hall Putsch  He writes “Mein Kamph” while in jail  This book explains in detail -racial struggle -lebensraum

22  By the 1920’s, Germans were voting for the Nazi party  1933 – Hitler (democratically) elected as chancellor and could appoint a cabinet  1933 Laws Passed by Hitler limited Jews to -1.5% of college students -Jews could not go to municipal hospitals -Jewish doctors could not work on non-Jews  These laws normalized the idea of “Jews not having a place in Germany.


24  Not only Germans accepted these laws, so did Jews. -Germany a lot safer for Jews than in Soviet Union -Laws established what Jews could and could not do -Stalin changed his mind every day  Hitler believed that the people wanted and supported this legislation


26  He didn’t explain how he wanted to achieve his objectives but was explicit with what they were  He didn’t micromanage, his cabinet had their jobs b/c of “loyalty”  He was extremely popular  He removed Germany’s signature from the treaty of Versailles “restored honor to Germany”

27  Majority of people supported anti-Semitic policies  Hitler was “the system” -no opposition -no successor -the Nazi system could not work without him


29  Dec 11 th, 1941 – Germany declares war on the United States  -The day after, Hitler had a meeting and blamed the Jews  “we now have a world war. It’s the fault of the Jews. They must be annihilated.”  He didn’t elaborate. It was left up to his party leaders to immitate  Hitler was not very involved in the affairs of the state.


31  Coordinate the state and party for the final solution  Hitler wasn’t there, his involvement was not needed  There is no documented evidence of Hitler’s knowledge of the final solution  How could he not have known?


33  The Nazi party attempted to burn all books that did not promote their cause.  Hitler’s book, Mein Kampf, became the state “bible” for the German “Master Race.” Although most people did not read Mein Kampf, it gave full warning of his intentions to conquer Europe and create a German “Master Race.”

34  What might have happened if more people had read Hitler’s book?  Why are books important?  Should Mein Kampf have been burned?  What would that have accomplished?  Should any book be burned? Why or why not?

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