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DEFINE & ANSWER “Temptation” – What makes a temptation tempting?

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Presentation on theme: "DEFINE & ANSWER “Temptation” – What makes a temptation tempting?"— Presentation transcript:

1 DEFINE & ANSWER “Temptation” – What makes a temptation tempting?

2 THE DEVIL 1.What do you think the Devil in the Bible looks like? (your opinion) 2.List how the Bible describes the Devil: *Ezekiel 28:13-14 *Revelation 12:3-4/7-9/13-17 *Rev. 20:1-3/7-10 *1 Peter 5:8


4 “JESUS TEMPTED in the WILDERNESS” - Matt. 4:1-11 John B = baptizing in the Jordan River… Jesus is Baptized by John…then he waslead by the (holy) Spirit into the wilderness to be TEMPTED by the Devil… …after Jesus Fasted for 40 days & nights, he Became hungry! “The Tempter came and said, ‘IF (__________) You are the Son of God’…” GRK: “SINCE”

5 TEMPTATION #1 “If you are the son of God… …TURN THESE STONES INTO BREAD” *What type of temptation was this? *Why did the Devil start with this type of Temptation? *Why was this a temptation for Jesus?

6 JESUS’ 1 st ANSWER: “It is Written… (sounds like a quote!) ‘Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word from the mouth of God’”! *Where is Jesus quoting this from?? How?? *In your own words what does Jesus mean? Deuteronomy 8:3

7 TEMPTATION #2: THROW YOURSELF DOWN OFF THE TEMPLE… “For it is written (sounds like a quote!)… ‘He will command His angels…and they will catch you so you don’t fall’…” *Where is the quote from? WHO is quoting it??? Why?? *What type of temp- tation was this? *Why was this a temptation for Jesus at all? PINNACLE/Highest Point!

8 JESUS’ RESPONSE: “IT IS ALSO WRITTEN… ‘DO NOT TEST THE LORD YOUR GOD’.” *Where is he quoting from? *In your own words what does he mean? Deuteronomy 6:16

9 TEMPTATION#3: (from a high mountain the devil flashed all the great kingdoms before Jesus’ eyes… “I will give you ALL the kingdoms of the World……IF…you bow down and worship me! *What type of temptation was this? *How was it different than #2? *Was this really a temptation for Jesus? How so?

10 JESUS’ 3 rd RESPONSE: “IT IS WRITTEN …(sounds like a quote!) BE GONE SATAN! WORSHIP & SERVE GOD ONLY!!” *Where is he quoting from? How?? *In your- actually it’s pretty clear isn’t it?? SO HOW WAS JESUS ABLE TO RESIST EACH TEMPATION FROM THE DEVIL HIMSELF?? Deuteronomy 6:13

11 * WHAT WAS THE KEY?? JESUS QUOTED _________________ TO RESIST! - via a scroll? -laptop? - jpad? – fig watch?? - JOOGLE?? NO none of those… HE STUDIED IT (the “S” word!) HE KNEW IT (by heart) HE M-E-M-O-R-I-Z-E-D IT HE USED IT!!! HE BELIEVED IT WORKED The Bible

12 USE IT …or… LOSE IT BABY!!!

13 “USE IT OR LOSE IT” SKITS!! Jesus Tempted By the Devil – Matthew 4: 1- 11 1.Choose a group of 3-5 people. 2.Choose a theme and plan a skit about Jesus’ Temptations by Satan: * Boxing Match (Rocky vs. Drago) * Kung Fu fight * Wild West Duel * Dance Off – (different dance styles) * Gangsta style * Street Gang style * Other? (Mr. Dye must approve it) 3. Create characters and make the lines of the story fit with the theme. *Turn Stones to ____________ or

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