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NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory Japanese Experiment Module (JEM) Airlock Overview Jimmy Whitaker ISS.

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Presentation on theme: "NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory Japanese Experiment Module (JEM) Airlock Overview Jimmy Whitaker ISS."— Presentation transcript:

1 NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory Japanese Experiment Module (JEM) Airlock Overview Jimmy Whitaker ISS Payload Operations Director (256) 544-4330 Approved for Public Release; Distribution Unlimited.

2 NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 2 Objectives  Provide POIWG participants with a very high level overview of JEM Airlock Slide Table operations  Airlock  Slide Table  Roles and Responsibilities  Concepts of Ops  Ops Constraints

3 NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 3 JEM Airlock (A/L)  Airlock is located on port side of JEM  Contains an inner hatch, an outer hatch, and slide table mechanism  Used to transfer hardware from inside ISS to outside (and vice versa) via slide table mechanism  Once outside, requires SSRMS or JEM RMS support to retrieve hardware and transfer to intended deploy location  An airlock “cycle” is defined as a depress and repress associated with transferring hardware through the airlock Inner hatch (open) Outer hatch (open) FWD Port Zenith Slide Table Payload

4 NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 4 JEM A/L Slide Table  There are two methods to attach hardware directly to the slide table:  Capture type requires payload to have recessed areas built-in to accommodate capture mechanisms  Bolt-fixed type requires a unique attachment mechanism  Additional Slide Table attachment mechanisms available for payload use:  JEM ORU Xfer Interface (JOTI)  Multi-Purpose Experiment Platform (MPEP)  J-SSOD (Small Satellite Deploy)  Cyclops (External Payload Deploy) Airlock Slide Table (fully extended into JEM) Inner Hatch

5 NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 5 JEM A/L Roles and Responsibilities  OZ (RIM & PIM) is responsible for leading PD’s through the NASA and JAXA Engineering Integration and ICD Development processes for all JEM Airlock and Robotics Interfaces.  JAXA (SSIPC) is responsible for all standard JEM Airlock operations including crew and ground activities that support Inner\Outer Hatch Open\Close, Slide Table Extension\Retraction, Pressurization\Depressurization, Active Capture Mechanism, etc.  MCC-H (SSRMS\SPDM) or SSIPC (JEM RMS\SFA) are responsible for all EVR (robotics) products and procedures.  POIC is responsible for IVA crew procedures for installing\removing NASA payload hardware to\from the JEM Airlock Table.  OC is the POIC real-time interface to SSIPC for JEM Airlock operations and will provide real-time coordination between the Payload Developer and SSIPC (KIBOTT).

6 NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 6 JEM A/L Concept of Ops  Prep JEM airlock for payload use  Open inner hatch, extend slide table into JEM, install required attachment hardware (passive posts, MPEP, JOTI, etc.)  Payload install to JEM airlock slide table  Deploy hardware for RMS manipulation  Retract slide table into airlock, close inner hatch, depress airlock, open outer hatch, extend table to JEF  RMS ops  Grapple attachment fixture, release from slide table, move to deploy/install position, deploy/install payload, move to slide table install position, reattach hardware to slide table, ungrapple fixture  Return hardware for IVA removal  Retract slide table into airlock, close outer hatch, repress airlock, open inner hatch, extend slide table into JEM  Payload removal from JEM airlock slide table  Reconfigure JEM airlock for next use = POIC-owned activities

7 NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 7 JEM A/L Ops Constraints  JEM Airlock operations are proving to be considerably more difficult to schedule than most standard IVA payload operations  There are simply more variables that have historically been controlled by different communities:  IVA Crew Time: In addition to the time required to install\remove payload hardware to\from the table, there is overhead time required for all standard JEM Airlock ops. Crew Time managed by ISS Program (OZ and OC).  JEM Airlock Cycles: JAXA has given NASA an allocation of JEM Airlock Cycles per year and NASA must prioritize those cycles between the System and Payload requirements. ISS Program (OM) coordinates with JAXA on notional JEM Airlock Schedules.  Robotics Schedules: There are many demands (maintenance, visiting vehicle traffic, EVA, utilization, etc.) and these are limited resources. ISS Program (OM) & JAXA are responsible for developing notional robotics schedules.  The current Increment Team is responsible for finalizing the integrated Crew Time, JEM Airlock Cycle, and Robotics schedule that aligns all three worlds.

8 NASA MSFC Mission Operations Laboratory MSFC Page 8 POIC JEM A/L Ops Points of Contact  POD -  OC –  Ops Lead – As Assigned

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