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CSI 3131 Summer 2016 Principles of Operating Systems Instructor: Dr. Nathalie Japkowicz Office: STE 5029 Office Hours: n In.

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Presentation on theme: "CSI 3131 Summer 2016 Principles of Operating Systems Instructor: Dr. Nathalie Japkowicz Office: STE 5029 Office Hours: n In."— Presentation transcript:

1 CSI 3131 Summer 2016 Principles of Operating Systems Instructor: Dr. Nathalie Japkowicz E-mail: Office: STE 5029 Office Hours: n In person: u Monday 11:30am-1:00pm n On Skype: By arrangement n Teaching Assistant (TA) for the course: u TBA

2 Course Material Web site: u Course material (class notes) u Syllabus Blackboard u Assignment management u Grading tool u Course announcements (usually, also sent to your school e-mail) u Labs u Tutorials

3 Textbook and Reading n Course Notes: u Made available on Website as PPT files n Textbook: u Operating Systems Concept Essential, Silberchatz, Galvin, Gagne, Wiley, 2013 (9 th edition) n Other useful book: u “William Stallings, Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles, 4th edition, Prentice-Hall, 2001, ISBN: 0-13-031999-6

4 Course Timetable LEC 1Monday 1-4pmFTX 147 B LAB 1Friday 11:30am-1pmSTE 2052 LAB 2Tuesday 2:30pm-4pmSTE 2052 TUT 1 Thursday 2:30pm- 4pm FTX 147 B

5 Evaluation n Assignments (individual)25 % u Assignment 1: Process creation  May 9 – May 30 u Assignment 2: Threads  May 30 – June 20 u Assignment 3: Synchronization  June 20 – July 4 u Assignment 4: Virtual Memory  4 Juillet- 18 Juillet n Midterm Exam25 % u Monday June 13, in class (2 hours  1:30pm-3:30pm) n Final Exam50 % u TBA: During the Exam Period [July 27-August 6]

6 Course Organization Questions?

7 Course Objectives You are expected to u learn basic concepts and principles behind the design of operating systems u get exposed to the problems operating systems designers face, explore the tradeoffs and solutions to these problems u see how are these issues solved in practice in real operating systems u be able to apply these concepts and techniques in relevant circumstances u get some hands-on experience programming OS type problems (process creation, inter-process-communications, process synchronization, mutual exclusion, deadlock avoidance)

8 Topics Covered n What Operating Systems Do n Computer-System Organization n Computer-System Architecture n Operating-System Structure n Operating-System Operations n Process Management n Memory Management n Storage and I/O Management n Protection and Security n Distributed Systems n Special-Purpose Systems n Computing Environments Background/intro The main stuff Advanced topics, not covered in this course

9 Topics Covered Introduction/Background/Overview u Computer systems overview u Operating systems overview: interface, system calls, design and implementation issues, OS structure Process Management u Processes and threads u Interprocess communication u CPU scheduling – algorithms and criteria u Process/thread synchronization – problems and solutions u Deadlocks – prevention, avoidance, detection, recovery

10 Topics Covered (contd.) Memory Management u Basic main memory management (swapping, contiguous memory allocation, paging, segmentation) u Virtual memory (demand paging, copy-on-write, page replacement, allocating kernel memory) Storage Management and Input/Output u File-System interface (files, directories, mounting file system, file sharing) u File-System implementation u Mass-storage structure (disk structure, scheduling, management) u Swap space management u I/O systems (hardware, application I/O interface, kernel I/O subsystem)

11 Detailed Schedule n May 2: Introduction and OS Overview (Chap 1 & 2) n May 9: Processes (Chap 3) n May 16: Threads (Chap 4) n May 23: Victoria Day: No Classes! n May 30: Process Synchronization (Chap 6) n June 6: Review + Process Synchronization (Chap 6) (continued) n June 13: MidTerm Exam n June 20: Deadlocks (Chap 7) n June 27: Deadlocks (Chap 7) (continuation) n July 4: Memory Management (Chap 8) n July 11: Virtual Memory (Chap 9) n July 18: File Systems (Chap 11 & 12) n July 25: Mass Storage Structure (Chap 10)

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