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WP2 Progress Since Bilbao Consortium Meeting ZeroWIN – Towards Zero Waste in Industrial Networks – Southampton, July 2010 Participants: UL, SAT, TUB, HP,

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Presentation on theme: "WP2 Progress Since Bilbao Consortium Meeting ZeroWIN – Towards Zero Waste in Industrial Networks – Southampton, July 2010 Participants: UL, SAT, TUB, HP,"— Presentation transcript:

1 WP2 Progress Since Bilbao Consortium Meeting ZeroWIN – Towards Zero Waste in Industrial Networks – Southampton, July 2010 Participants: UL, SAT, TUB, HP, Insead

2 Overview Review of RFID Interaction with WP 6 Interaction with WP 1 (D1.4) B2B Asset Management

3 1.Review of RFID Internal Task Report (65 pages) circulated in June Summary – Introduction – Technology Comparison – Technology Characteristics – Standards – Physical Limitations

4 Standards development – EPC tag data standard now supports 9 coding schemes defining in total 9 identity types – ISO have issued a number of new standards in the domain of tracking specifically in open loop supply chains Technical limitations are not as big a problem as they once were – UHF Gen2 compliant tags offer ideal read range, rate, memory, etc. for tracking of products in supply chains – Range of metal mount tags now exist facilitating reliable reads for products containing metal Limited number of academic studies – RFID deployments at an inter-enterprise level – RFID deployments in waste scenarios Interesting findings from the review

5 Development of the D4R laptop CS D4R been written in “short story format...” – Existing Value Chain – Closed Loop Value Chain – Working to see where RFID can add value D4R CS will be used as a guideline for others so we can determine – Can RFID help zero waste/ industrial symbiosis for the CS? – What are the technological aspects of using RFID in these sectors? 2.Interaction with WP6

6 MicroPro Existing & Closed Loop Value Chains

7 B2C market case Production Laptop Components Assembly of D4R Laptop Mobo, CPU, GPU, LCD, Hard disk, PSU, RAM modules, Wireless LAN card, Keyboard Micropro Computers Distribution to Wholesale /Retail Process Preparation for Recycling Civic Amenity Site for process preparation for treatment/disassembly Recycling In the case of production of component/assembly waste from Stage 1 & Stage 2 recycling takes place either internally or by external contractors. In the case of partially processed waste from Stage 5, Waste brokers => UK and mainland Europe Recyclers Direct Sales, Retail Sales, Website Use of Desktop Civic Amenity Return to Micropro Fly tipping Illegal waste collection/ illegal export Closet Cannibalise Remarket BUY LEASE Symbiosis Partner Partner to investigate reuse of second/third generation panels for construction applications, photoframes SYMBIOSIS/SYNERGY Symbiosis Partner Investigate use of waste outputs from symbiosis partners, wood, wood waste etc....

8 3. Interaction with D1.4 D1.4 IPR position papers and case studies for different industrial sectors (automotive, construction photovoltaic, and EEE) Position paper – Month 36 – WP1 (Insead, HP and partners) more on a system approach (logistical, financial, legal, …). D2.1 Feasibility study on technologies to facilitate product identification for various IPR models & a technology roadmap for RFID in waste management – Month 24 – WP2 focuses more on the technological aspects

9 4. B2B Electronic Asset Management CS Establish what is happening with B2B Waste? – How is the B2B stream managed? – How can IPR be implemented with current management strategies? Research Activities for CS – Circulate questionnaires on EOL practice to IT managers – Investigate: Maintenance, replacement policy, tracking, routes out of the company boundary – Circulate to: ZeroWIN, Intellect, CIPS, IPR works, Personal networks, UoS industry cluster, any ideas? – Build process maps for enterprise, SME, public sector organizations – Follow up interviews to comment on models and probe further – Feed into case study on implementing IPR for B2B electronics, facilitated by innovative technologies

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